Researcher profiles

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Dr David Nicholls ANU College of Science
Professor Desmond Nicholls ANU College of Business and Economics
Dr James Nichols ANU College of Science
Dr Ian Nicholson ANU College of Health and Medicine
Dr Rohan Nicol ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Angela Nicoli ANU College of Health and Medicine
Professor Adrienne Nicotra ANU College of Science
Dr Junyu Nie ANU College of Business and Economics
Ms Anne Sofie Cornelius Nielsen ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
Professor Charlotte Halmo Krolokke Nielsen ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Don Niles ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Professor Barry Ninham ANU College of Science
Dr Eva Nisa ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Professor David Nisbet ANU College of Health and Medicine
Ms Nabila Nisha ANU College of Business and Economics
Associate Professor Christoph Nitsche ANU College of Science
Ms Natalie Nitsche ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
Associate Professor Daniel Noble ANU College of Science
Emeritus Professor Ian Noble ANU College of Science
Professor James Noble ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics
Dr Debbie Noble-Carr ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Richard Nock ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics
Professor Mark Nolan ANU College of Law
Professor Melanie Nolan ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
Professor Christopher James Nolan PhD ANU College of Health and Medicine
Miss Karlie Noon ANU College of Science
Dr Ahad Noori Zehmakan ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics
Dr Philip Norcott ANU College of Science
Mr Thomas Nordlander ANU College of Science
Ms Barbara Norman ANU College of Science

Updated:  08 October 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers