Emeritus Professor Shirley Leitch
BA, MA(hons), PhD Auck
Professorial Fellow, Australian Studies
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
- de Jong, K, Daellenbach, U, Davenport, S et al 2019, 'Giving Science Innovation Systems a 'Nudge'', Technology Innovation Management Review, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 51-61.
- Kenny, M, Hughes, A, Leitch, S et al 2019, Democracy Sausage with Mark Kenny: Tax, inequality, and social media campaigning.
- Hughes, A, Azize, M, Emerson, C et al 2019, Democracy Sausage with Mark Kenny: Safety nets and (un)social media.
- Leitch, S & Merlot, E 2018, 'Power relations within brand management: the challenge of social media', Journal of Brand Management, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 85-92.
- Motion, J & Leitch, S 2018, 'On Foucault: Engaging with Foucault's Critical Theory and Methods', in Øyvind Ihlen and Magnus Fredriksson (ed.), Public Relations and Social Theory: Key Figures, Concepts and Developments, Routledge, New York, pp. 334-353.
- Leitch, S 2017, 'The transparency construct in corporate marketing', European Journal of Marketing, vol. 51, no. 9/10, pp. 1503-1509.
- Motion, J & Leitch, S 2016, 'Critical discourse analysis: A search for meaning and power', in Jacquie L'Etang, David McKie, Nancy Snow, Jordi Xifra (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations, Routledge, London, pp. 142-150.
- Gilding, M, Merlot, E & Leitch, S 2016, 'The power of hope: the mobilisation of small and mid-tier companies in the mining industry's campaign against the Resources Super Profits Tax', Australian Journal of Political Science, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 122-133.
- Motion, J, Heath, R & Leitch, S 2016, Social Media and Public Relations: Fake Friends and Powerful Publics, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, Abingdon and New York.
- Motion, J, Leitch, S & Weaver, C 2015, 'Popularizing dissent: A civil society perspective', Public Understanding of Science, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 496-510.
- Leitch, S, Motion, J, Merlot, E et al 2014, 'The fall of research and rise of innovation: Changes in New Zealand science policy discourse', Science and Public Policy, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 119-130.
- Davenport, S, Daellenbach, U, Leitch, S et al 2014, 'Processing Food Claims: The Stabilising Roles of Measurement and Strategic Ambiguity', Sixth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, Conference Organising Committee, United Kingdom.
- Leitch, S 2014, 'Keeping it real: Authenticity in social media communication', Australia and New Zealand Communication Association Conference (ANZCA), ed. Dr Diana Bossio, Australia and New Zealand Communication Association Conference (ANZCA), Melbourne.
- Motion, J, Davenport, S, Leitch, S et al 2013, 'Corporate reputation and the discipline of public relations', in Craig E Carroll (ed.), The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Reputation, Wiley-Blackwell, United States, pp. 62-71.
- Motion, J & Leitch, S 2013, 'Discourse Theory and Analysis', in Robert L. Heath (ed.), Encyclopedia of Public Relations, SAGE Publications Ltd, Los Angeles, USA, pp. 265-267.
- Leitch, S & Motion, J 2013, 'Power, Discursive', in Robert L. Heath (ed.), Encyclopedia of Public Relations, SAGE Publications Ltd, Los Angeles, USA, pp. 671-673.
- Leitch, S, Gilding, M, Merlot, E et al 2013, 'Business collective action and the Australian mining industry's tax revolt: A comment on McKnight and Hobbs', Australian Journal of Political Science, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 501-506.
- Davenport, S & Leitch, S 2012, 'What makes a stakeholder act? Exploring the impact of the issue in the stakeholder relationship', in Lindgreen, A., Kotler, P., Vanhamme, J. and Maon, F. (ed.), A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility: Pressures, Conflicts and Reconciliation, Gower Publishing Ltd, Surrey, UK, pp. 25-44.
- Gilding, M, Merlot, E, Leitch, S et al 2012, 'Media framing of the resources super profits tax', Australian Journal of Communication, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 23-40.
- Motion, J, Haar, J & Leitch, S 2012, 'A public relations framework for Indigenous engagement', in Krishnamurthy Sriramesh & Dejan Vercic (ed.), Culture and public relations: links and implications, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York and Abingdon, pp. 54-66.
- Leitch, S & Motion, J 2011, 'A provocation: thinking the 'social' into corporate social responsibility', in Ihlen, O. Bartlett, J. and May, S. (ed.), The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd, United States, pp. 505-515.
- Leitch, S & Davenport, S 2011, 'Corporate identity as an enabler and constraint on the pursuit of corporate objectives', European Journal of Marketing, vol. 45, no. 9/10, pp. 1501-1520.
- Leitch, S & Palmer, I 2010, 'Analyzing Texts in Context: Current Practices and New Protocols for Critical Discourse Analysis in Organizational Studies', Journal of Management Studies, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 1194-1212.
- Davenport, S & Leitch, S 2010, 'The role of boundary organizations in maintaining separation in the triple helix', in Viale R. and Etzkovitz H. (ed.), The capitalization of knowledge: a triple helix of university-industry-government, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, pp. 243-260.
- Heath, R, Motion, J & Leitch, S 2010, 'Power and public relations: paradoxes and programmatic thoughts', in Robert L. heath (ed.), The Sage Handbook of Public Relations, Sage Publications Inc, United States, pp. 191-204.
- Leitch, S & Motion, J 2010, 'Publics and public relations: effecting change', in Robert L. heath (ed.), The Sage Handbook of Public Relations, Sage Publications Inc, United States, pp. 99-110.
- Leitch, S & Motion, J 2009, 'Risk communication and biotechnology: a discourse perspective', in Heath, Robert L. and O'Hair, H. Dan (ed.), Handbook of Risk and Crisis Communication, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, USA and Abingdon, UK, pp. 560-575.
- Davenport, S & Leitch, S 2009, 'We are what we grow: The discursive strategies of pro- and anti-GE factions regarding the future of agriculture in New Zealand', European Planning Studies, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 943-961.
- Motion, J & Leitch, S 2009, 'The Transformational Potential of Public Policy Discourse', Organization Studies, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 1045-0163.
- Motion, J & Leitch, S 2008, 'The multiple discourses of science-society engagement', Australian Journal of Communication, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 29-40.
- Leitch, S & Davenport, S 2008, 'Corporate brands and social brands: co-branding GM-free and UK supermarkets', International Studies of Management and Organization, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 45-63.
- Leitch, S., & Davenport, S. (2008). Corporate brands and social brands: Co-branding GM-free and UK supermarkets. International Studies in Management and Organisation, 37(4), 45-63.
- Leitch, S. & Motion, J. (2007). Retooling the corporate brand: A Foucauldian perspective on normalisation and differentiation. Journal of Brand Management, 15(1), 71-80.
- Leitch, S., & Davenport, S. (2007). Strategic ambiguity as a discourse practice: the role of keywords in the discourse on sustainable biotechnology. Discourse Studies, 9(1), 43-61.
- Motion, J., & Leitch, S. (2007). A toolbox for public relations: The oeuvre of Michel Foucault. Public Relations Review, 33 (3), 263-268.
- Leitch, S., & Davenport, S. (2006). Talking with the silent majority: An Interest-Identity Framework. Public Relations Review, 32(1), 71-73.
- Davenport, S. & Leitch, S. (2005). Circuits of Power in Practice: Strategic Ambiguity as Delegation of Authority. Organization Studies, 26(11), 1603-1623.
- Davenport, S., & Leitch, S. (2005). Agoras, ancient and modern, and a framework for science-society debate. Science and Public Policy. 32(2), 137-153.
- Leitch, S., & Davenport, S. (2005). The Politics of discourse: Marketization of the New Zealand Science and Innovation system. Human Relations. 58(7), 891-912.
- Davenport, S., Leitch, S., & Rip, A. (2003). The ‘user’ in research funding negotiation processes. Science and Public Policy. 30(4), 239-250.
- Leitch, S. & Motion, J. (2003). Public-private partnerships: Consultation, cooperation and collusion. Journal of Public Affairs, 3(3). 225-231.
- Leitch, S., & Richardson, N. (2003). Corporate branding in the new economy. European Journal of Marketing. 37(7/8), 1065-1079.
- Motion, J., Leitch, S., & Brodie, R. (2003). Equity in corporate co-branding: The case of adidas and the All Blacks. European Journal of Marketing. 37(7/8), 1080-1094.
- Leitch, S., & Davenport, S. (2002). Strategic ambiguity in communicating public sector change. Journal of Communication Management. 7(2), 129-139.
- Motion, J., & Leitch, S. (2002). The technologies of corporate identity. International Studies in Management and Organisation, 32(3), 45-64.
- Motion, J. & Leitch, S. (2000). Courting the lost consumer: Corporate identity, corporate brands, and the New Zealand Insurance Industry. Asia-Pacific Public Relations Journal. 2(2), 59-72.
- Motion, J., & Leitch, S. (2000). The truth games of public relations politics. Australian Journal of Communication. 27(2), 65-80.
- Leitch, S, & Motion, J. (1999). Multiplicity in corporate identity strategy. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 4(4), 193-199
- Leitch, S. (1999). From logo-centrism to corporate branding? The (r)evolution in organisational identity. Australian Journal of Communication. 26(3), 1-8.
- Leitch, S., & Roper, J. (1999). Ad wars: Adversarial Advertising by interest groups in a New Zealand general election. Media International Australia. 92, 103-116.
- Motion, J. & Leitch, S. (1999). Against grand narratives: Localised knowledges of public relations practice. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Relations. 1(1).
- Leitch, S., & Motion, J. (1998). Public relations on the edge of puzzlement: A defence of scholarly research. Australian Journal of Communication, 25 (2), 161-170
- Leitch, S., & Roper, J. (1998). Genre colonisation as a public relations strategy: A framework for research and analysis. Public Relations Review, 24 (2.
- Richards, P., Leitch, S., & Motion, J. (1998). Shifting Disciplines: Communication, discourses and identities. Australian Journal of Communication. 25(3), 1-8.
- Leitch, S., & Neilson, D. (1997). Reframing public relations: New directions for theory and practice. Australian Journal of Communication. 24 (2), 17-32.
- Motion, J., & Leitch, S. (1996). A discursive perspective from New Zealand: Another world view. Public Relations Review. 22 (3), 297-309.
- Roper, J., & Leitch S. (1995). The electoral reform campaigns in New Zealand: A political communication case study. Australian Journal of Communication. 22 (1), 123-135.