Dr Andrew MacKenzie
Areas of expertise
- Landscape Architecture 120107
- Land Use And Environmental Planning 120504
2021- Campus Director Emalus, Vanuatu University of the South Pacific
2016-present Honorary Senior Lecturer and research Fellow ANU Fenner School
2014-2016 Head of Discipline – Design and Architecture University of Canberra
2013-2014 Course director for bachelor of Design (majors in Landscape Architecture, Industrial design, Interior Architecture- University of Canberra
2010-2018 Senior Lecturer Landscape Architecture, University of Canberra
2003-2009 Lecturer Landscape Architecture University of Canberra
2002-2003 Landscape Architect JEA and associates
2001-2002 Teacher Landscape design and construction Canberra Institute of Technology Horticulture College
1989-2001 Managing Director MacKenzie Landscapes Pty Ltd
2006 - Registered landscape architect Australian Institute of Landscape Architects no. 01393
Researcher's projects
2020 Understanding Metropolitan Landscapes (Routledge)
2018 Vanuatu Strategic Tourism Action Plan- Management Plan for the Port Vila Seafront including Feiawa and Fatumaru Bay Parks.
2016 - Mackenzie, A., Hinton, S., Wu, H., Sun, E. (2016) Crossing the River. In AILA short film festival Anthroposcene. October 2016, Canberra.
2014- Report into the National Capital Open Space System. National Capital Authority, Australian Government Printer.
2013 MacKenzie, A. Decompacting the City. In Canberra Odyssey 2113. Curated by Dale Middleby Canberra Museum and Gallery, 13 July-3 November 2013.
- MacKenzie, A & Gibbons, P 2019, 'Enhancing Biodiversity in Urban Green Space; An Exploration of the IAD Framework Applied to Ecologically Mature Trees', Urban Science, vol. 3, no. 4.
- MacKenzie, A, Pearson, L & Pearson, C 2018, 'A framework for governance of public green spaces in cities', Landscape Research, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 444-457.
- MacKenzie, A 2017, 'Planning for the redevelopment after a fire event', International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 344-356.
- MacKenzie, A, Muminovic, M, Oerlemans, K 2017, The intentional use of learning technologies to improve learning outcomes in studio', The Journal of Problem Based Learning in Higher Education, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 47-63pp. https://doi.org/10.5278/ojs.jpblhe.v0i0.1558
- Hocking, V & MacKenzie, A 2016, 'A Design-Led Approach for Enabling Collective Imagining of Sustainable Urban Futures', in Leshinsky, R., Legacy, C. (ed.), Instruments of Planning: Tensions and Challenges for More Equitable and Sustainable Cities, Routledge, USA, pp. 105-116.
- Headon, D & MacKenzie, A, eds, 2013, Canberra Red: Stories from the bush capital, Allen & Unwin, Crow's Nest.
- MacKenzie, A 2009, 'Recovering suburbia: An analysis of sururban form - post fire redevelopment', State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2009, ed. Conference Program Committee, Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd, Perth, pp. 1-25.