Associate Professor Sarah Heathcote
BA, LLB (Hons), ANU; GDLP, ANU; Diplme d'études supérieures (Masters), Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva; PhD, Geneva
Associate Professor
ANU College of Law
Areas of expertise
- International Law (Excl. International Trade Law) 180116
- Heathcote, S 2023, 'Joint Territorial Governance in the South Pacific', in J. Vinuales, L. Boisson de Chazournes, A. Clapham & M. Hebie (eds.), The International Legal Order in the XXIst Century, Brill, Netherlands, pp. 53-70.
- Heathcote, S 2022, 'Legal Models and Methods of Western Colonisation of the South Pacific', Journal of the History of International Law, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 62-101.
- Heathcote, S 2021, 'Secession, self-determination and territorial disagreements: Sovereignty claims in the contemporary South Pacific', Leiden Journal of International Law, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 653-680.
- Heathcote, S 2021, 'State Responsibility, International Law and the COVID-19 Crisis', Australian Year Book of International Law, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 122-140.
- Heathcote, S & Shirlow, E 2020, 'Response to the DFAT enquiry on Australia's Cyber and Critical Technology International Engagement Strategy'.
- Heathcote, S 2019, 'Pacific Islands Forum', in (ed.), Oxford International Organizations (OXIO), Oxford University Press, Online.
- Heathcote, S 2019, Public International Law, LexisNexis, Chatswood, Australia.
- Heathcote, S 2016, 'Article 10: Traites prevoyant la participation d'un Etat successeur', in Giovanni Distefano, Gloria Gaggioli, Aymeric Hache (ed.), La convention de Vienne de 1978 sur la succession d'etats en matiere de traites: Commentaire article par article et etudes the©matiques, Bruylant, Brussels, pp. 339-372pp.
- Heathcote, S 2013, Explainer: Australia and Timor Leste in The Hague, pp. 4pp.
- Heathcote, S 2014, 'State of Necessity', in Anthony Carty (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies Online, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 1-27.
- Kohen, M & Heathcote, S 2011, '1986 Vienna Convention: Article 45: Loss of a right to invoke a ground for invalidity, terminating or withdrawing from or suspending the operation of a treaty', in Olivier Corten and Pierre Klein (ed.), The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties, Oxford University Press, Oxford UK, pp. 1087-1089.
- Kohen, M & Heathcote, S 2011, '1986 Vienna Convention: Article 42: Validity and continuance in force of treaties', in Olivier Corten and Pierre Klein (ed.), The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties, Oxford University Press, Oxford UK, pp. 1029-1030.
- Bannelier, K, Christakis, T & Heathcote, S 2011, The ICJ and the Evolution of International Law: the enduring impact of the Corfu Channel case, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK.
- Heathcote, S 2011, 'State omissions and due diligence: aspects of fault, damage and contribution to injury in the law of state responsibility', in Karine Bannelier, Theodore Christakis and Sarah Heathcote (ed.), The ICJ and the Evolution of International Law: the enduring impact of the Corfu Channel case, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 295-314.
- Kohen, M & Heathcote, S 2011, 'Article 42: Validity and continuance in force of treaties', in Olivier Corten and Pierre Klein (ed.), The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties, Oxford University Press, NY, USA, pp. 1015-1030.
- Kohen, M & Heathcote, S 2011, 'Article 45: Loss of a Right to Invoke a Ground for Invalidity, Terminating or Withdrawing from or Suspending the Operation of a Treaty', in Olivier Corten and Pierre Klein (ed.), The Vienna Conventions on the Law of Treaties, Oxford University Press, NY, USA, pp. 1064-1089.
- Heathcote, S 2010, 'Circumstances Precluding Wrongfulness in the ILC Articles on State Responsibility: Necessity', in J Crawford, A Pellet & S Olleson (ed.), The Law of International Responsibility, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 491-501.
- Heathcote, S 2007, 'Est-ce que L'Etat de necessite est un principe de droit Internatioanl coutumier (Is state of Necessity a Principle of Customary International Law)', Revue belge de droit international (Belgian review of International Law), vol. 2007, no. 1, pp. 53-89.
- Heathcote, S 2007, 'Necessity in the Common Law System', in T. Christakis (ed.), Necessity in International Law, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, Pedone, Paris, pp. 97-108.