Professor Jimin Yu

Ph.D., Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge,
ANU College of Science
T: 61-02-6125-9967

Areas of expertise

  • Chemical Oceanography 040502
  • Palaeoclimatology 040605
  • Quaternary Environments 040606
  • Inorganic Geochemistry 040202

Research interests

My major research interests include:

*        Carbon cycle and oceanic carbonate system: using trace elements and isotopic compositions of marine carbonates together with models to understand interactions between atmosphere, surface and deep oceans, and land biosphere and their roles in the global carbon cycle on various timescales;

*        Trace elements and isotopes in inorganic and biogenic carbonates: developing new proxies using marine carbonates to reconstruct oceanic environments such as seawater pH and carbonate ion contents; understanding mechanisms that control the incorporation and variation of trace elements and of isotopes in inorganic and biogenic carbonates;

 *        Ocean circulation changes: using multi-proxies to reconstruct past ocean circulation changes and their impacts on climate on different timescales.


2002/9-2006/3, Ph.D., Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, palaeoceanography, palaeoclimate & geochemistry

1999/9-2002/6, M.Sc., Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University, mineralogy, petrology & economic geology

1995/9-1999/7, B.Sc., Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University, geology


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