Professor Ken Taylor

BA (Geography, Sheffield); Dip Town Planning ( Manchester); Master of Landscape Architecture (Melbourne); PhD (Deakin).
Honorary Professor, Centre for Heritage & Museum Studies, School of Archaeology and Anthropology. Emeritus Professor Landscape Architecture, University of Canberra. Visiting Professor, Silpakorn University, Bangkok.
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Research interests

Cultural heritage management: theory and practice

Cultural heritage as process and changing perspectives in the heritagisation process internationally and with particular relevance to SE Asia and China

Cultural landscape: meanings, values and management with particular reference to ordinary/everyday places

Historic Urban Landscape (HUL): theory and practice

Reading the landscape

World Heritage challenges and politics 


Professor Ken Taylor AM started his career in the UK working in local government as a town planner. He gained significant and influential experience at the City Planning Department Manchester particularly working on an open space policy based on remnant river valleys and canals with proposls for their reclamation. This sparked an interest in landscape planning and landscape architecture and he shifted to teaching in these fields at the then Manchester Polytechnic. In 1975 he took a position of S/L in landscape architecture at the then Canberra CAE (Univ of Canberra) and later was appointed to a personal chair in landscape architecture. His interests in historic cultural landscapes, their meanings, values and heritage potenial was sparked in the late 1970s working on a study of the historic landscapes of Lanyon and Lambrigg in the ACT for the National Trust. It also drew on his cultural geography first degree and the concept of reading the landscape, During the 1980s and 1990s he developed ideas on cultural landscape theory and practice and associated heriatge values weaving them into his teaching and research leading to his being Co-Director of the Cultural Heritage Research Center at the University of Canberra with Professor Colin Pearson. From the late 1980s he has published nationally and internationally with increasing focus on SE Asia and China in the context of changing global perpsectives on cultural heritage mangement and cultural landscapes. He has undertaken work with agencies such as UNESCO World Heritage Centre, ICCROM and ICOMOS. From 2006 until late 2017 he was Associate Editor for 'Landscape Research' journal. He is  an Associate member of Rutgers University Graduate Faculty He joined The ANU in 2003 where he has continued to publish, supervise PhD students and travel regularly to Asia. At Silpakorn University Bangkok he has taught courses in Management of Historic Places and Cultural Landscpes since 2002 on the International Program in Architectural Heritage Management & Tourism and supervises PhD students. 

Current student projects

Supervision of PhD students


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Updated:  18 September 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers