Dr Elizabeth Sturgiss

Research Fellow
ANU College of Health and Medicine

Areas of expertise

  • Primary Health Care 111717
  • Family Care 111707
  • Preventive Medicine 111716

Research interests

  • Therapeutic alliance in general practice
  • Obesity care in general practice
  • Nutrition education for medical students
  • Improving outcome measures for general practice


Dr Liz Sturgiss is a clinician-researcher who is driven to improve general practice care for at-risk populations. Liz maintains a strong interest in obesity, chronic disease management, and substance dependence. Liz focuses on finding real-world solutions by exploring how and why general practice is effective for people and how these mechanisms can be applied in other settings.

Dr Sturgiss has been a fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners since 2012 and was a Founding Fellow of Clinical Forensic Medicine (RCPA). In 2017 she was awarded an Endeavour Research Fellowship to travel to the University of Alberta, Canada to study Cognitive Task Analysis and methods for theoretically-informed evaluations of complex interventions.

Through her PhD Liz explored the therapeutic alliance in general practice and how it strengthens obesity management - her ongoing work will explore how relationships shape the interactions between patients and their GPs. Liz is particularly passionate about reducing health inequities by exploring how general practice can work better for at-risk populations.



Researcher's projects

  1. Adapting the Working Alliance Inventory for general practice (Chris Silagy Scholarship RACGP)
  2. An implementation pilot study of "The Change Program" - a GP-delivered weight management program for overweight and obese adults (APHCRI Foundation Grant)
  3. Treating adult obesity in general practice – developing a weight management strategy for general practitioners (RACGP Independent Practitioner Network Pty Ltd (IPN)/Research Grant) 
  4. Using Concept Mapping to illustrate understanding of obesity. (Endeavour Reseach Fellowship in conjuction with University of Alberta)
  5. Understanding food and rurality (CASS Intercollege Research Grant, led by Dr Gavin Smith) 



Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  10 September 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers