Dr Bert Peeters
Areas of expertise
- French Language 200306
- Linguistics 2004
Research interests
Language and cultural values, with special reference to French
Applied ethnolinguistics
Natural semantic metalanguage
Before returning to ANU, where he obtained his PhD in Linguistics in 1989, A/Prof Bert Peeters held appointments at the University of Tasmania (1989-2006) and at Macquarie University, Sydney (2007-2013). While his research focuses on the broad area of language and cultural values, with special reference to French and to Australian English, he sometimes strays off the path with papers on other topics as well, usually related to French and/or to French linguistics.
- Peeters, B 2020, 'Language Makes a Difference: Breaking the Barrier of Shame', Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 27-37.
- Mullan, K, Peeters, B & Sadow, L, eds, 2020, Studies in Ethnopragmatics, Cultural Semantics, and Intercultural Communication: Ethnopragmatics and Semantic Analysis, Springer, Singapore.
- Sadow, L, Peeters, B & Mullan, K, eds, 2020, Studies in Ethnopragmatics, Cultural Semantics, and Intercultural Communication: Minimal English (and Beyond), Springer, Singapore.
- Peeters, B 2020, 'Culture is Everywhere!', in Bert Peeters, Kerry Mullan and Lauren Sadow (ed.), Studies in Ethnopragmatics, Cultural Semantics, and Intercultural Communication: Meaning and Culture, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-14.
- Peeters, B 2020, 'Lift Your Game, Cliff!: A Fun Tribute to Cliff Goddard', in Kerry Mullan, Bert Peeters & Lauren Sadow (ed.), Studies in Ethnopragmatics, Cultural Semantics, and Intercultural Communication: Ethnopragmatics and Semantic Analysis, Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-12.
- Peeters, B & Lecompte-Van Poucke, M 2020, 'Bwénaado: An Ethnolexicological Study of a Culturally Salient Word in Cèmuhî (New Caledonia)', in Bert Peeters, Kerry Mullan and Lauren Sadow (ed.), Studies in Ethnopragmatics, Cultural Semantics, and Intercultural Communication: Meaning and Culture, Springer, Singapore, pp. 123-148.
- Peeters, B 2019, 'Language and Linguistics', The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 23-54.
- Peeters, B 2019, 'Jean-Marie Le Pen et l'imparfait du subjonctif, ou: quand l'imaginaire linguistique s'emballe [Jean-Marie Le Pen and the French subjunctive imperfect: the linguistic imaginary in overdrive]', La Linguistique, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 51-76.
- Peeters, B 2019, 'On Linguoculturology and Cultural Linguistics', Vestnik NSU, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 6-11.
- Peeters, B 2019, 'The English Ethnopsychological Personhood Construct Mind "Deconstructed" in Universally Intelligible Words', Critical Studies in Languages and Literature, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 61-77.
- Peeters, B, ed., 2019, Heart- and Soul-Like Constructs across Languages, Cultures, and Epochs, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, United States.
- Peeters, B 2019, 'Delving into Heart-and Soul-Like Constructs: Describing EPCs in NSM', in Bert Peeters (ed.), Heart- and Soul-Like Constructs across Languages, Cultures, and Epochs, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, United States, pp. 1-29.
- Peeters, B 2019, 'Book Review: Phraséologie et discours. Sous la direction d'Olivier Soutet, Inès Sfar et Salah Mejri (Review of Olivier Soutet, Inès Sfar and Salah Mejri (ed.), Phraséologie et discours, 2018)', French Studies, vol. 73, no. 4, pp. 669-670.
- Peeters, B 2018, '(White) lies and (pieux) mensonges: Ethnolinguistic elaborations on not telling the truth', Etnolingwistyka, vol. 30, pp. 169-188.
- Peeters, B & Marini, M 2018, 'Narrative Medicine Across Languages and Cultures: Using Minimal English for Increased Comparability of Patients' Narratives', in Cliff Goddard (ed.), Minimal English for a Global World: Improved Communication Using Fewer Words, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, United Kingdom, pp. 259-286.
- Peeters, B 2018, 'In memoriam: R. Andrew Savage (1962-2016)', Revue des études amazighes, vol. 2, pp. 191-195.
- Peeters, B 2017, 'APPLIED ETHNOLINGUISTICS is Cultural Linguistics, but is it CULTURAL LINGUISTICS?', in Farzad Sharifian (ed.), Advances in Cultural Linguistics, Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore, pp. 507-527.
- Peeters, B 2017, 'Le soir même... l'imparfait défocalisait (The same evening ... the imperfect defocused)', in Florica Hrubaru, Estelle Moline and Anca-Marina Velicu (ed.), Nouveaux regards sur le sens et la référence: Hommages à Georges Kleiber, Editura Echinox, Romania, pp. 257-280.
- Peeters, B 2017, ''Exception française': splendeurs et misères of a formula', Journal of French Language Studies, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 291-308.
- Peeters, B 2017, 'Du bon usage des stéréotypes en cours de FLE : Le cas de l'ethnolinguistique appliquée (Making proper use of stereotypes in the L2 French classroom: Applied ethnolinguistics...applied)', DIRE, vol. 9, pp. 43-60.
- Peeters, B 2017, 'Communication Modes, Australian', in Young Yun Kim (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication, Vol. I, John Wiley & Sons Inc, United States, pp. 136-140.
- Peeters, B 2017, 'Communication Modes, French', in Young Yun Kim (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication, Vol. I, John Wiley & Sons Inc, United States, pp. 161-165.
- Peeters, B 2017, 'Book Review: Hilgert Emilia, Palma Silvia, Frath Pierre et Daval René (dir.), Res per nomen IV: Les théories du sens et de la référence. Hommage à Georges Kleiber. Reims: Editions et presses universitaires de Reims, 2014', Journal of French Language Studies, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 252-254.
- Peeters, B 2017, 'Book Review: Olivier Bondéelle, Polysémie et structuration du lexique: le cas du wolof, 2015, 533 p. (Olivier Bondéelle, Polysemy and the structuring of the lexicon: the case of Wolof)', Linguistique et Langues Africaines, no. 3, pp. 127-130.
- Peeters, B 2017, 'Book Review: Polzin-Haumann Claudia et Schweickard Wolfgang (dir.), Manuel de linguistique française. (Manuals of Romance Linguistics, 8.) Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2015', Journal of French Language Studies, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 258-260.
- Peeters, B 2016, 'APPLIED ETHNOLINGUISTICS is cultural linguistics, but is it CULTURAL LINGUISTICS?', International Journal of Language and Culture, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 137-160.
- Peeters, B 2016, 'Langue et valeurs culturelles: six façons d'y voir plus clair (Language and cultural values: six ways to get a better grasp on them)', CoReLa, HS-19 (Mélanges offerts à Pierre-Yves Raccah). https://journals.openedition.org/corela/4347.
- Peeters, B 2016, 'Book Review: Fabienne Baider and Georgeta Cislaru (eds.): Linguistic approaches to emotions in context (Pragmatics & Beyond new series, 241), 2014, Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins', Multilingua - Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 117-121.
- Peeters, B 2016, 'Book Review: Kerbrat-Orecchioni Catherine (dir.), S'adresser à autrui (Addressing the Other). 2 vol.', Journal of French Language Studies, vol. 26, pp. 379-398.
- Peeters, B 2016, 'Book Review: La sémantique et ses interfaces: actes du colloque 2013 de l'Association des sciences du langage. Textes réunis et présentés par Alain Rabatel, Alice Ferrara-Léturgie et Arnaud Léturgie. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2015', French Studies, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 477-478.
- Peeters, B 2015, 'Language and cultural values: Adventures in applied ethnolinguistics', International Journal of Language and Culture, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 133-141.
- Peeters, B 2015, 'Tall poppies in the land down under: An applied ethnolinguistic approach', International Journal of Language and Culture, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 219-243.
- Peeters, B 2015, 'Language, culture and values: Towards an ethnolinguistics based on abduction and salience', Etnolingwistyka, vol. 27, pp. 47-62.
- Peeters, B 2015, 'Bienvenue au café du Commerce: propos ethnorhétoriques (Welcome to the Café du Commerce: ethnorhetorical observations)', Publifarum, vol. 23, 18 pp. - (http://www.publifarum.farum.it/ezine_articles.php?art_id=315)
- Peeters, B 2015, 'La France de la débrouille: étude ethnoaxiologique d'une valeur culturelle hypothétique (Resourceful France: ethnoaxiological study of a hypothetical cultural value)', Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique, vol. 37, pp. 103-122.
- Peeters, B 2015, 'Il fallut que je sois fusse...: à la recherche d'un temps perdu (2001-2012) (In Search of a Lost Tense (2001-2012))', Pratiques: linguistique, littérature, didactique, no. 167-168. http://pratiques.revues.org/2732
- Peeters, B 2015, 'Book Review: Cartographie des émotions: propositions linguistiques et sociolinguistiques. Sous la direction de Fabienne Baider et Georgeta Cislaru, Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2013', French Studies, vol. 69, pp. 136-137.
- Peeters, B 2015, 'Book Review: Luc Bouquiaux et Jacqueline M. C. Thomas (eds). L'ethnolinguistique: Haudricourt et nous, ses disciples. Saint-Martin au Bosc, SELAF, 2013', Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, vol. 110, no. 2, pp. 65-67.