Associate Professor Collin Payne

PhD, Demography, University of Pennsylvania; BA, Sociology and Applied Statistics, University of Wisconsin
ARC DECRA Fellow and Associate Professor, School of Demography
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Areas of expertise

  • Mortality 160304
  • Population Trends And Policies 160305
  • Applied Statistics 010401
  • Stochastic Analysis And Modelling 010406
  • Epidemiology 111706

Research interests

My substantive research centres on the intersections between population ageing and population health, with a focus on understanding the dynamics of chronic health conditions, frailty, and multimorbidity over time and across generations. I also research the implications of the co-existence of chronic conditions and infectious diseases (primarily HIV/AIDS) for both individual health outcomes and health systems. My methodological research centers on causal multistate models and demographic microsimulation. 

Current areas of work include:

  • Generational changes in health across low-, middle-, and high-income contexts
  • Interrelations between mental, physical, and cognitive health
  • Exposure to life-course trauma and late-life health and well-being

My methodological research interests include:

  • Demographic applications of microsimulation models
  • Causal methods for population health research
  • Formal demography of longevity


Collin Payne joined the ANU School of Demography following a post-doctoral fellowship at the Harvard University, and completed a Ph.D. in Demography at the University of Pennsylvania. He is an ARC DECRA Fellow, an ANU Futures Scheme recipient, an Associate Investigator at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research, and visiting faculty member at the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies

More information available at:

Researcher's projects

Advancing Research on Healthy Longevity in Australia and the Asia Pacific. ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, 2021-2023.

  • This project will analyse long-term data from Australia to explore trends in the health of successive generations of older Australians, providing improved information for planning future demand for health services, the age pension, and aged care. New methods will be developed to identify the diseases leading to health inequalities among Australia’s older population, providing policymakers with clear insight on the most high-priority conditions to target with interventions.

Health, well-being and longevity of older adults in low and middle-income countries. ANU Futures Scheme, 2019-2023.

  • This project focuses on understanding the dynamic pathways connecting social, biological, developmental, and policy determinants of health, and will be used to develop comparative models of potential future trends of health and health-care needs in LMI countries. 

Surviving an epidemic: Families and well-being, Malawi, 1998-2020. NIH NICHD R01.

  • This project examines individual and household predictors of survival, resiliance, and recovery from the HIV epidemic in rural Malawi. 

Available student projects

The Future of Ageing and Health in Low- and Middle-income Countries. ANU Futures Scheme, 2019-2023

With funding provided by the ANU Futures Scheme, this project focusses on developing a new evidence-base on ageing in low- and middle-income (LMI) countries by utilising emerging nationally-representative longitudinal data sources.

Current student projects

Lilipramawanty Liwin - The Effect of Social Determinants, Macroeconomic Factors and Health Policies on Non-Communicable Disease Related Morbidity and Mortality in Indonesia

Ayumi Malamassam - Youth Migration and Higher Education in the Context of Human Capital Development in Indonesia

Tianyu (Alex) Shen - Living Longer and Healthier? An Advancement of Methodology and Understanding of Health Expectancy



Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  27 June 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers