Professor Andrew Pawley

BA (NZ), MA, PhD (University of Auckland), FRSNZ, FAHA
Emeritus Professor, School of Culture, History & Language
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific

Areas of expertise

  • Pacific Languages 200320
  • Language In Culture And Society (Sociolinguistics) 200405
  • Linguistic Anthropology 160103
  • Language In Time And Space (Incl. Historical Linguistics, Dialectology) 200406
  • Linguistic Structures (Incl. Grammar, Phonology, Lexicon, Semantics) 200408
  • Linguistics 2004

Research interests

Austronesian and Papuan languages and cultures, the prehistory of Pacific Island peoples, folk taxonomies and ethnobiology, lexicography, phraseology and idiomaticity.


Current projects: Collaborating with Malcolm Ross and Meredith Osmond on a seven volume series using lexical comparisons to reconstruct the culture and environment of Proto Oceanic speakers; completing dictionaries of Kalam (Papua New Guinea), Wayan (Western Fiji) and Gela (Solomon Is.); collaborating with Ian Saem Majnep on a book on Kalam ethnobotany.

Career highlights

Taught linguistics in the Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland from 1965-1989, with periods at UPNG (1969) and U. Hawaii (1973-78). Moved to ANU in 1990. Taught at the Linguistic Society of America's summer Institute in 1977 and 1985. Sabbaticals at Berkeley (1983), U. Frankfurt (1994), Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig (2001).


Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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