Professor Satya Paul

Ph.D (Economics) Delhi University; M.A. and B.A. Punjab University
Honorary Professor, The Centre for Social Policy Research, ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
T: +61404816145

Research interests

  • Efficiency and Productivity Measurement in Stochastic Frontier Models
  • Ethnic Stratification and Income Inequality in Australia
  • Poverty, Growth, and Income Inequality
  • Measurement of Unemployment and employment policy
  • Well being: Happiness and a human Development
  • Multidimensional Poverty
  • Mental Health
  • Public Infrastructure and Productivity



Satya Paul is currently Honorary Professor at the Centre of Social Research and Methods, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences. Before joining ANU, he was Professor and Head of School of Economics at the University of the South Pacific, and Professor of Economics at University of Western Sydney.  He has been a visiting Professor at several universities such as Concordia, University of New South Wales, Fudan, Ningbo and FASID and a Visiting Fellow at WIDER. In his early and mid-career, he taught at Delhi School of Economics and the Institute of Economic Growth, and serves as Senior Consultant to Indian Planning Commission and the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy.

He has published four books and a large number of papers on topics such as measurement of efficiency and productivity, trade and public infrastructure policies, poverty, economic inequality, relative deprivation and, unemployment and labour market discrimination, happiness, and quality of life. His publications have appeared in highly ranked international journals such as Journal of Development Economics, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Economics Letters, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Review of Development Economics, Kyklos, Southern Economic Journal, Economic Record, Australian Economic Review, Manchester School, Enery Economics, Australian Economic Review, and Economic Modelling.

Professor Paul has also keen interest in public policy issues. For instance, he was appointed in 2014 as a Chair of Marks Scaling Review Committee by the Minister of Education, Government of Fiji to review the practice of scaling of marks in school examinations. His detailed report was accepted as such by the Parliament of Fiji and the scaling of marks was abolished in Forms 6 and 7 examinations. The report also served as a basis for admission of students to courses in all the three universities in Fiji. He also wrote Fiji Employment Policy- A Draft Framework, which after public consultation was adopted as the first official Employment Policy to guide employment generation.

He is currently working on the measurement of efficiency, happiness and public policy, and ethnicity and income inequality issues in Australia.



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