Dr Jyoti Nandan

Honorary Associate Professor
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
T: 61 2 62622189

Research interests

Literary Studies

New Literatures in English (Indian, African, Caribbean

Women's Writing (Victorian period; Contemporary diasporic)

Cultural Studies (gender studies, post-colonial/diasporic studies, the intersection of post-colonial and gender studies)

The teaching of English (in academic contexts)


Jyoti Nandan is an Honorary Associate Professor in the School of Literature, Languages, and Linguistics, The Australian National University.  She completed her MA in English at the University of New South Wales and her PhD in Literature at the ANU.  Her PhD thesis is an analysis of the fiction of Anita Desai using a postcolonial feminist framework.  She taught at the University of Fiji from 2006-2012 and the University of the South Pacific from 2012-2013.  From 2009 onwards, she was Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Language and Literature, School of Humanities & Arts (UniFiji).  Her current research focus is women writers of the South Asian diaspora.  She has given scholarly presentations and published widely in the area of women's writing.  She is a member of the Advisory Board and reviewer for the academic journal Indialogs - Spanish Journal of India Studies - and of the Advisory Board for the Centre for the International Study of Literatures in English.


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