Dr Guillaume Molle

Ph.D (University of French Polynesia), MA (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Senior Lecturer in Pacific Archaeology, School of Archaeology and Anthropology - Head of Archaeology
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Areas of expertise

  • Archaeology 2101
  • Archaeology Of New Guinea And Pacific Islands (Excl. New Zealand) 210106
  • Anthropology 1601

Research interests

Pacific archaeology, Polynesia, Marquesas islands, Tuanotu atolls, Gambier islands, Human colonization of Oceania, island socio-ecosystems, evolution of chiefdoms, ceremonial architecture, funerary practices, material culture

Researcher's projects

Current and past projects:

- ANR PASTAtolls : Multidisciplinary Approach to Polynesian Atolls Socio-ecosystems in Time, Co-Principal investigator, 2024-2028

- ARC DECRA Fellow (DE190100187), Ethnoarchaeological investigation of religious systems in Ancient Polynesia, Principal Investigator, 2019-2023

 - Teti’aroa Society Project: An Atoll in History: Archaeological Research on Teti’aroa (Society Islands). Principal investigator, 2014-present

- (France)Ministère des Outre-Mers, Les atolls des Tuamotu : Passé et présent d’une adaptation sociale à un environnement hostile, Co-Principal Investigator (Eric Conte), 2018-2019

- NSF Project, Developing 230Th/U Dating of Coral Artifacts for High-Precision Cultural Chronologies in Eastern Polynesia, NSF Archaeometry Program. Senior Collaborator, Principal Investigator Warren Sharp, 2015-2017

- Grand Observatoire du Pacifique Sud (GOPS consortium) Project: Des rats et des hommes. Approches archéologiques et écologiques d’une espèce commensale (Rattus exulans) pour reconstituer l’évolution des interactions hommes-milieux en Polynésie française. Principal investigator, 2014-2016


Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  03 July 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers