Dr Mario Daniel Martin

Honorary Associate Professor
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Areas of expertise

  • Creative Writing (Incl. Playwriting) 190402
  • Drama, Theatre And Performance Studies 190404
  • Literature In Spanish And Portuguese 200514
  • Language In Culture And Society (Sociolinguistics) 200405
  • Iberian Languages 200308

Research interests

Creative Writing (Including Playwriting); Science Fiction; Theatre of the Absurd; Experimental Fiction; Mobile Assisted Language Learning; Music and Society in the Spanish-speaking world; The history of Language Teaching in Australia; The history of the Spanish-speaking Community in Australia; Language Maintenance and Shift (Sociolinguistics); Language Politics and Language Planning.


Mario Daniel Martín was born in Salta, Argentina. He holds five university degrees (Bachelor of Science, Tucumán; Master of Arts in Linguistics, Delaware; PhD in Linguistics, ANU; Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, Canberra and Masters of Higher Education, ANU), and completed undergraduate and graduate courses in Mathematics, Computer Science, Political Science, Anthropology, Theatre and Cinema in Argentina, Spain and Italy.

He joined the ANU in 2005 to establish the Spanish program and was its convenor until 2017. In this role, he led the application that won an Office of Learning and Teaching national award in teaching in the category “Program that enhances learning” in 2012. He was also the General Convener of the Bachelor of Languages (2007-2018), General Convener of the Diploma of Languages (2009-2017) and School Language Discipline convener (2016-2018). He became an Honorary Associate Professor in December 2020.

Mario Daniel has published academic papers and books related to student attrition and retention in languages, the use of technology in language teaching, the history of language teaching in Australia, the Sociolinguistics situation of the Spanish-speaking community in Australia and literature in the Spanish-speaking World.

Mario Daniel is also a creative practitioner who has extensive experience in producing art in a variety of formats and genres. In his career he has published 11 fiction books (3 novels, 4 books of poetry, 2 of short stories and 2 of theatre plays), and more than 70 individually published short stories and poems. He has written the scripts for 5 performed theatre plays, 3 radio plays and 3 films, and has been awarded or short-listed in national and international literary awards. Most of his creative work has been published in Spanish, and all the prizes he won were for work written in this language. His creative work was also published in English, Italian and German and has generated independent criticism and long newspaper articles in Argentina.

In particular, he writes what is considered “hard science fiction”, that is, fiction based on the extrapolation of scientific facts, which requires extensive investigation on a wide variety of subjects. The short story “El último bolero en el Taj Mahal”, for instance, required him to research the physics of relativity; biological research in human-animal chimeras, epigenetics and germ line mutations; research on the brain scans on people who are in love; the evolution of private companies; scientific speculations on exobiology and the first encounter entropic meta-laws; the sociology of liberation movements; and cybernetics.

Current student projects

PhD - Advisor

Strategies for teaching the spoken language

Past student projects

Masters and PhD – Main Supervisor

Latin American identity discourse and the narrative: literature, globalisation and hybridity. An analysis based on Pascale Casanova’s World Literature framework

Pierre Bourdieu’s Formulation of the French Literary Field and its Application to the study of Martin Fierro and the Argentine Literary Context

Dynamics of Motivation of University Students in Saudi Arabia Learning English

Language Maintenance and Shift in Barcelona

The use of Spanish Adverbs Atrás and Detrás: An underlying hierarchy of linguistic factors that determine the appropriate adverb

Language and Identity: The Second Generation of Hispanic Adolescents in Brisbane



Past Student Projects (Masters and PhD) – Advisor / Member of supervisory panel

Increasing Intercultural competence in language teachers

Re-examining the profile and motivation of German Studies students in Australian universities

Voseo in Chile. Variation and Change in Language and Society

Croisement des représentations, des aspects cognitifs et du « rapport à » l’écriture en langue étrangère

The role of the input in the acquisition of verbs ser and estar by Spanish-speaking children

Enhancing Critical Thinking in Language Learning through Computer-Mediated Collaborative Learning 


Past Student Projects – Honours – Main Supervisor

Identidad, moralidad y censura: La peculiaridad del lunfardo

La murga en Argentina y Uruguay

La Nueva Canción Chilena

¿Castellano o español? Las actitudes comunes hacia la lengua en España e Hispanoamérica

Australia y El Mercado Comun Del Sur (Mercosur): Oportunidades y Desafios

La Constitución de Colombia y los pueblos indígenas: ¿Una ficción jurídica o un paso hacia la reconciliación?

Espejos literarios, historias múltiples y catarsis social: El fin de la historia de Liliana Heker

¿Es el Muro entre Estados Unidos y México la Real Solución para el Problema Inmigratorio Ilegal a los Estados Unidos?

El mito de Pablo Escobar y las relaciones colombo-estadounidenses

La Nueva Trova Cubana como estrategia en la política exterior de Cuba

Estudios Universitarios, Clase y Meritocracia en Chile

El corrido y el narcocorrido

La emergencia política de los evangélicos en el Perú

The Usage of the Simple Preterite and Preterite Perfect in Latin America and Spain

¿Atrás o Detrás? El uso de los adverbios en distintas regiones del mundo hispano


Past Student Projects – Honours – Co-Supervisor

Imágenes Influyentes: un análisis de Imagen de la Patria de Oswaldo Guayasamín

La popularización e internacionalización de la cumbia: una reimaginación sonora de la cultura colombiana en los años 60

La recuperación de la memoria de la Guerra Civil y el franquismo en la política y la cinematografía de la España actual

Desafiando al Otro: Sicilia y España bajo la dominación árabe

Princesas de Sabina: La Relación Heterosexual en la Transición Democrática Española a través de canciones

Il monstro nel romanzo Gente Conmigo di Syria Poletti

Une analyse sociolinguistique du phénomène culturel de la musique rap en France

Une Merveilleuse Aventure: la decouverte d’une langue


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Updated:  27 July 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers