Professor Jacqueline Lo

Honorary Professor
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Areas of expertise

  • Cultural Theory 200204
  • Cultural Studies 2002
  • Multicultural, Intercultural And Cross Cultural Studies 200209
  • Postcolonial Studies 200211
  • Drama, Theatre And Performance Studies 190404
  • Arts And Cultural Policy 160502
  • Visual Arts And Crafts 1905

Research interests

Postcolonial studies; multiculturalism, diaspora and migration; memory studies; performance and visual cultures; Asia in the West; Asian Australian studies; cross-cultural engagement; public policy; EU-Australia-Asia relations. 

Other selected publications not listed elsewhere:

“The EU-Australia Relationship: Continuity and Change” Australian Outlook (Australian Institute of international Affairs) With Annmarie Elijah, 5 June 2017  

Diaspora, Art and Empathy” John Young: The Bridge and the Fruit Tree, commissioned essay for exhibition catalogue, Drill Hall Gallery ANU (2013): 19-43.

“Passages into the ‘Asian century’” commissioned catalogue essay for Passages exhibition by Brian Castro, Khai Liew and John Young, Tarrawara Museum of Art (2012): 7-12.

Introduction to 1984 Here and Now, by Kee Thuan Chye, Times Edition (2004): 7-15.  With Helen Gilbert.

 “Where ya from?” Telling Time, ed Virginia Baxter, Playworks Press (1996): 95-97. Reprint 1999.

Critical introduction to Ms Serena Serenata and Beaut, Luv by Merlinda Bobis, Australasian Drama Studies 27 (1995): 88-90.

 “Out of the Theatre and into the Everyday: Intervening in Shopping Centres”, Real Time 9 (1995): 4. With Jules Pavlou Kirri.

 “What Priscilla Said”, Real Time 4 (1994): 4-5. With Merlinda Bobis and Helen Gilbert.

Commissioned Policy Report

 Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Training, Research and Education (DIISRTE) commissioned paper on "EU-Australia Student Mobility: International Best Practice" 2012.

Commissioned Teaching Resources

English Modules (“Literatures from Asia” and “Representations of Asian-Australian relations in contemporary literature”) Department of Education, Science and Training, 2002.

Curriculum Corporation, Voices and Visions from Asia DVD series on China, Indonesia, Japan and India 2000-2003.


Professor Jacqueline Lo is Director of the Indo-Pacific Research centre at Murdoch University. She is also Honorary Professor at the ANU. An internationally recognised Humanities scholar and pioneer of Asian Australian Studies, her work on multiculturalism, diaspora and public policy has influenced academic and policy sectors in Europe, Asia and the USA. Her research focuses on issues of race, colonialism, diaspora and the interaction of cultures and communities across ethnic, national and regional borders. She is also an independent consultant.

Jacqueline was formerly Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) of the University of Adelaide. Prior to this role, she was Chair of Academic Board at the ANU for two terms. She was also Associate Dean (International) for the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences and Executive Director of the Centre for European Studies. Other roles during her tenure at the ANU include Interim Director, Research School of Social Sciences, and Head of the School of Cultural Inquiry.

She is the Founding Chair of the Asian Australian Studies Research Network, member of the Westpac Scholars National Selection Panel and permanent member of the NYU Global Arts Exchange Program. She was awarded the Chevalier Ordre des Palmes Académiques/Knight of the Academic Palms in 2014 by the French Ministry of Education. She is the inaugural Chair of the Congress of French Laureates of Australia.

 Recent publications  

“Interweaving Anew: The Japanese-Samoan Va”, Yuki Kihara: Paradise Camp, ed. Natalie King, Thames & Hudson, 2022, pp. 141-147.

“Can We Talk About Poland? Intergenerational Translations of Home”, in Susannah Radstone and Rita Wilson (eds.), Translating Worlds: Migration, Memory, and Culture, London and New York: Routledge, 2020, pp. 131-147. (with Katarzyna Kwapisz Williams).

“Tangled Histories, Haunted Streets: Asian-Indigenous Relations in Broome”, Updated 2009 essay published in Marrugeku: Telling That Story, eds. Helen Gilbert, Dalisa Pigram and Rachael Swain, Aberystwyth: Performance Research Books, 2021: 90-99.

“Cosmopolitan Indigenous Art: A Contradiction in Terms? Brook Andrew and Vernon Ah Kee at the Biennials”, In the Balance; Indigeneity, Performance, Globalisation, eds Helen Gilbert, JD Philipson and Michelle Raheja. Liverpool University Press (commissioned essay for new edition, forthcoming 2022).

Researcher's projects

Jacqueline is currently writing a book about Asian Australian cultural politics. She is also the lead investigator of three large Jean Monnet research grants focusing on migration and integration (PPCEUMI), European public policy (EUROPOL) and the Centre for Excellence in EU-Australia Economic Relations. For details see

Past Monographs/Edited Books/Special Journal Issues:

Asia/Europe/Australia Dialogue, special issue of Asia Europe Journal 12.2 (2014). Co-edited with K. Cada, D. Tan and W. Shannon.

Entangled Pasts: Transnational Memories in Germany and Australia, special issue of Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture 4.1 (2013). Co-edited with Nina Fischer and Kate Mitchell.

Asian Australia and Asian America: Making Transnational Connections, special issue of Amerasia (2010). Co-edited with Dean Chan and Tseen Khoo

Asia@Home: New Directions in Asian Australian Studies, special issue of Journal of Australian Studies 32.4 (2008). Co-edited with Tseen Khoo.

Performance and Cosmopolitics: Cross-Cultural Transactions in Australasia. Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007. With Helen Gilbert. Winner biennial Rob Jordan Award, Australasian Drama Studies Association. Shortlisted NSW Premier's Literary Prize and Gleebooks Award.

Pigments of the Imagination: Theorising, Performing and Historicising Mixed Race, special issue of Journal of Intercultural Studies 28.1 (2007). Co-edited with Penny Edwards and Debjani Ganguly.

 Staging Nation: Post-colonial English Language Theatre in Malaysia and Singapore. Hong Kong University Press, 2004. Shortlisted biennial Rob Jordan Award, Australasian Drama Studies Association.

Resistance and Reconciliation: Writing from Commonwealth Cultures. Canberra: Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies, 2003. Co-edited with Bruce Bennett, Susan Cowan, Satendra Nandan and Jen Webb.

Diaspora: Negotiating Asian-Australia. Brisbane: University of Queensland, 2000. Co-edited with Helen Gilbert and Tseen Khoo.

Writing Home: Chinese Australian Perspectives. Canberra: Centre for the Study of the Chinese Southern Diaspora, Australian National University, 2000.

Impossible Selves: Cultural Readings of Identity. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 1999. Co-edited with D. Beard, R. Cunneen and D. Ganguly.

South East Asian Theatre, Special issue of Australasian Drama Studies 25, 1994.



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