Dr Harold Koch
PhD 1973 Harvard University, AM 1972 Harvard University, MA 1967 University of Washington, BA (Hons) 1965 Waterloo Lutheran [now Wilfrid Laurier] University
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
Areas of expertise
- Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Languages 200319
- Linguistic Structures (Incl. Grammar, Phonology, Lexicon, Semantics) 200408
- Language In Time And Space (Incl. Historical Linguistics, Dialectology) 200406
- Guillaume, A & Koch, H, eds, 2021, Associated Motion, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin.
- Koch, H 2021, 'Associated Motion in the Pama-Nyungan languages of Australia', in Antoine Guillaume and Harold Koch (ed.), Associated Motion , De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, pp. 231-324.
- Koch, H 2020, 'Development of aspect markers in Arandic languages, with notes on associated motion', Journal of Historical Linguistics, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 209 - 250.
- Koch, H & Simpson, J 2020, 'Junior skin names in Central Australia: function and origin', in Paul Monaghan and Michael Walsh (ed.), More than mere words: Essays on language and linguistics in honour of Peter Sutton, Wakefield Press, Adelaide, pp. 165-191.
- Koch, H 2020, 'Teknocentric kin terms in Australian languages', in Helen Bromhead, Zhengdao Ye (ed.), Meaning, Life and Culture: In conversation with Anna Wierzbicka, ANU Press, Canberra, Australia, pp. 273-290.
- Koch, H 2019, 'Morphosyntactic reanalysis in Australian languages: Three studies', in L Heltoft, I Igartua, B D Joseph, K J Kragh, L Schosler (ed.), Perspectives on Language Structure and Language Change, John Benjamins Publishing Company, The Netherlands, pp. 295-309.
- Koch, H 2019, 'Placenames of Indigenous Origin', in Bill Arthur & Frances Morphy (ed.), Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia, Pan Macmillan Publishers Australia, Sydney, Australia, pp. 244-249.
- Koch, H 2018, 'Documentary sources on the Ngarigu language: the value of a single recording', in Peter K Austin, Harold Koch and Jane Simpson (ed.), Language, Land and Song: Studies in honour of Luise Hercus, Batchelor Institute Press, Australia, pp. 116-126.
- Koch, H, Hercus, L & Kelly, P 2018, 'Moiety Names in South-Eastern Australia: Distribution and Reconstructed History', in Patrick McConvell, Piers Kelly and Sebastien Lacrampe (ed.), Skin, Kin and Clan: The Dynamics of Social Categories in Indigenous Australia, ANU Press, Australia, pp. 139-178.
- Koch, H 2018, 'The Development of Arandic Subsection Names in Time and Space', in Patrick McConvell, Piers Kelly and Sebastien Lacrampe (ed.), Skin, Kin and Clan: The Dynamics of Social Categories in Indigenous Australia, ANU Press, Australia, pp. 317-359.
- Austin, Peter, Koch, Harold & Simpson, Jane Helen, eds, 2018, Language, Land and Song: Studies in honour of Luise Hercus, Batchelor Institute Press, Australia. [Second edition]
- Koch, H 2018, 'Luise Hercus AM, FAHA 1926–2018', Aboriginal History, vol. 42, pp. 15-18.
- Koch, H, Austin, P & Simpson, J 2018, 'Introduction to Language, Land & Song: Studies in Honour of Luise Hercus', in Peter K Austin, Harold Koch and Jane Simpson (ed.), Language, Land and Song: Studies in honour of Luise Hercus, Batchelor Institute Press, Australia, pp. 1-15. [Second edition]
- Austin, P, Koch, H & Simpson, J, eds, 2016, Language Land & Song: Studies in Honour of Luise Hercus, EL Publishing, London, United Kingdom.
- Koch, H, Austin, P & Simpson, J 2016, 'Introduction to Language Land & Song: Studies in Honour of Luise Hercus', in P K Austin, H Koch & J Simpson (ed.), Language Land & Song: Studies in Honour of Luise Hercus, EL Publishing, London, United Kingdom, pp. 1-19pp.
- Koch, H 2016, 'Documentary sources on the Ngarigu language: the value of a single recording', in P K Austin, H Koch & J Simpson (ed.), Language Land & Song: Studies in Honour of Luise Hercus, EL Publishing, London, United Kingdom, pp. 145-157.
- Koch, H 2016, 'Book Review: Loss and Renewal: Australian Languages Since Colonisation, edited by Felicity Meakins and Carmel O'Shannessy, de Gruyter Mouton, Boston and Berlin', Aboriginal History, vol. 40, pp. 325-332.
- Koch, H 2015, 'Patterns in the diffusion of nomenclature systems: Australian subsections in comparison to European days of the week', in Dag T.T. Haug (ed.), Historical Linguistics 2013, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, pp. 109-132.
- Koch, H 2015, 'Morphological reconstruction', in Claire Bowern and Bethwyn Evans (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Historical Linguistics, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, UK and New York, USA, pp. 286-307.
- Koch, H 2014, 'Loanwords between the Arandic languages and their western neighbours: Principles of identification and phonological adaptation', 44th Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society, 2013, ed. L Gawne and J Vaughan, University of Melbourne, Australia, pp. 311-334.
- Koch, H 2014, 'Morpholological Borrowing and Genetic Relationship A Review Article of Johanson, and Robbeets (eds). 2012: 'Copies Versus Cognates in Bound Morphology'', Journal of Language Contact, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 408-424.
- Koch, H, Mailhammer, R, Blust, R et al. 2014, 'Research priorities in historical-comparative linguistics A view from Asia, Australia and the Pacific', Diachronica, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 267-278.
- Koch, H 2014, 'The reconstruction of inflectional classes in morphology: History, method and Pama-Nyungan (Australian) verbs', in Rob Pensalfini, Myfany Turpin and Diana Guillemin (ed.), Language Description Informed by Theory, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam and Philadephia, pp. 153-189.
- Koch, H & Nordlinger, R 2014, 'The languages of Australia in linguistic research: context and issues', in Harold Koch and Rachel Nordlinger (ed.), The Languages and Linguistics of Australia, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, pp. 3-21.
- Koch, H 2014, 'Thredbo: an Aboriginal placename', Newsletter of the Australian National Placenames Survey, no. September 2014, pp. 1pp.
- Koch, H & Nordlinger, R, eds, 2014, The Languages and Linguistics of Australia, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin.
- Koch, H 2014, 'Historical relations among the Australian languages: genetic classification and contact-based diffusion', in Harold Koch and Rachel Nordlinger (ed.), The Languages and Linguistics of Australia, De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, pp. 23-89.
- Koch, H & Hercus, L 2013, 'Obscure vs. transparent cognates in linguistic reconstruction', in Robert Mailhammer (ed.), Lexical and Structural Etymology: Beyond Word Histories, Walter de Gruyter, Boston/Berlin, pp. 33-52.
- Koch, H 2013, 'The etymology of a paradigm: the Pama-Nyungan 3SgF reconsidered', in Robert Mailhammer (ed.), Lexical and Structural Etymology: Beyond Word Histories, Walter de Gruyter, Boston/Berlin, pp. 53-82.
- Koch, H 2013, 'The Reconstruction of Kinship Terminology in the Arandic Languages of Australia', in Patrick McConvell, Ian Keen, Rachel Hendery (ed.), Kinship Systems: Change and Reconstruction, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, USA, pp. 163-186.
- Koch, H 2011, 'Morphological Change', in Patrick Colm Hogan (ed.), Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the Language Sciences, Cambridge University Press, New York, USA, pp. 514-515pp.
- Koch, H 2011, 'Substrate influences on New South Wales Pidgin: The origin of -im and -fela', in Claire Lefebvre (ed.), Creoles, their Substrates, and Language Typology, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 489-512.
- Koch, H 2011, 'Teaching historical linguistics: A personal memoir', in Koenraad Kuiper (ed.), Teaching linguistics: reflections on practice, Equinox Publishing Ltd, London, pp. 66-86.
- Koch, H 2011, 'George Augustus Robinson and the Documentation of Languages of South-Eastern New South Wales', Language and History, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 140-163.
- Koch, H 2011, 'The influence of Arandic Languages on Central Australian Aboriginal English', in Claire Lefebvre (ed.), Creoles, their Substrates, and Language Typology, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 437-460.
- Dousset, L, Hendery, R, Bowern, C et al 2010, 'Developing a database for Australian Indigenous kinship terminology: the Austkin project', Australian Aboriginal Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 42-56.
- Koch, H 2010, 'A collegial colleague to ANU linguists on 'the other side'', in John Bowden, Nikolaus P Himmelmann & Malcolm Ross (ed.), A journey through Austronesian and Papuan linguistic and cultural space: Papers in honour of Andrew Pawley, Pacific Linguistics, Canberra, ACT, pp. 9-12.
- Koch, H 2010, 'Aboriginal Languages and Social Groups in the Canberra Region: Interpreting the Historical Documentation', in Brett Baker, Ilana Mushin, Mark Harvey and Rod Gardner (ed.), Indigenous Language and Social Identity: papers in honour of Michael Walsh, Pacific Linguistics, Canberra, ACT, pp. 131-153.
- Koch, H & Hercus, L, eds, 2009, Aboriginal Placenames: Naming and Re-Naming the Australian Landscape, ANU ePress, Canberra Australia.
- Koch, H 2009, 'On reconstructing pronominal proto-paradigms: methodological considerations from the Pama-Nyungan language family of Australia', in Bethwyn Evans (ed.), Discovering history through language: papers in honour of Malcolm Ross, Pacific Linguistics, Canberra Australia, pp. 317-344.
- Koch, H & Hercus, L 2009, 'Introduction: Old and new aspects of Indigenous place-naming', in Harold Koch and Luise Hercus (ed.), Aboriginal Placenames: Naming and Re-Naming the Australian Landscape, ANU ePress, Canberra Australia, pp. 1-5.
- Koch, H 2009, 'The methodology of reconstructing Indigenous placenames: Australian Capital Territory and south-eastern New South Wales', in Harold Koch and Luise Hercus (ed.), Aboriginal Placenames: Naming and Re-Naming the Australian Landscape, ANU ePress, Canberra Australia, pp. 115-171.
- Koch, H 2008, 'R.H. Mathews' schema for the description of Australian languages', in William B McGregor (ed.), Encountering Aboriginal languages: studies in the history of Australian linguistics, Pacific Linguistics, Canberra, pp. 179-218.
- Sutton, P & Koch, H 2008, 'Australian languages: A singular vision', Journal of Linguistics, vol. 44, pp. 471-504.
- Koch, H 2007, 'Book Review: The Non-Pama-Nyungan Languages of Northern Australia: Comparative studies of the continent's most linguistically complex region', Diachronica, vol. 24, no. 2.
- Koch, H 2007, 'An overview of Australian traditional languages', in Gerhard Leitner and Ian G. Malcolm (ed.), The Habitat of Australia's Aboriginal Languages: Past, Present and Future, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, pp. 23-56.
- Koch, H 2007, 'Divergent regularity in word-initial truncation in the Arandic languages', in Jeff Siegel, John Lynch and Diana Eades (ed.), Language Description, History and Development: Linguistic indulgence in memory of Terry Crowley, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Philadelphia, USA, pp. 267-280.
- Koch, H 2006, 'Languages of the world: Kaytetye', in Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd ed), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 170-172pp.
- Koch, H 2004, 'A Methodological History of Australian Linguistic Classification', in Claire Bowern and Harold Koch (ed.), Australian Languages: Classification and the Comparative Method, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 17-60.
- Koch, H & Bowern, C 2004, 'Introduction: Subgrouping Methodology in Historical Linguistics', in Claire Bowern and Harold Koch (ed.), Australian Languages: Classification and the Comparative Method, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 1-15.
- Koch, H 2004, 'The Arandic subgroup of Australian languages', in Claire Bowern and Harold Koch (ed.), Australian Languages: Classification and the Comparative Method, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 127-150.
- Koch, H 2003, 'Morphological reconstruction as an etymological method', International Conference on Historical Linguistics 2001, ed. Barry Blake and Kate Burridge, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 271-291.
- Koch, H 2003, 'The case for Pama-Nyungan: Evidence from inflectional morphology', International Congress of Linguists, ed. Hajicova, E., Kotesovcova, A. and Mirovsky, J., Matfyzpress, Prague, pp. 1-12.
- Koch, H 2001, 'Basic Vocabulary of the Arandic languages: from classification to reconstruction', in Simpson J, Nash D, Laughren M, Alpher B, Austin P (ed.), Forty Years On: Ken Hale and Australian Languages, Pacific Linguistics, Canberra, Australia, pp. 71-87.
- Koch, H 2000, 'Pronunciation of Indigenous Languages[DELETE]', in <> (ed.), <>, pp. xiii-Xiv.
- Koch, H 2000, 'Order and disorder in the reconstruction of the ablaut pattern of athematic verbs in Proto-Indo-European', Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference 1999, ed. Jones-Bley, Karlene; Huld, Martin E.; Volpe, Angela Della, Institute for the Study of Man, Los Angeles, pp. 251-266.
- Koch, H 2000, 'The Role of Australian Aboriginal Languages in the Formation of Australian Pidgin Grammar: Transitive Verbs and Adjectives', in Siegel, J. (ed.), Processes of Language Contact: Studies from Australia and the South Pacific, Les Editions Fides, Quebec, pp. 13-46.
- Koch, H & Turpin, M 1999, 'Book Review: Eastern and Central Arrernte to English Dictionary', Aboriginal History, vol. 21, pp. 233-237.