Dr Dongwoo Kim PhD
ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics
Areas of expertise
- Pattern Recognition And Data Mining 080109
- Chen, D, Kim PhD, D, Xie, L et al. 2017, 'PathRec: Visual analysis of travel route recommendations', 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSys 2017, ACM, New York, pp. 364-365.
- Kim PhD, D & Oh, A 2017, 'Hierarchical Dirichlet scaling process', Machine Learning, vol. 106, no. 3, pp. 387-418pp.
- Kim PhD, D, Xie, L & Ong, C 2016, 'Probabilistic Knowledge Graph Construction: Compositional and Incremental Approaches', ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management CIKM 2016, ed. S. Mukhopadhyay, CX. Zhai, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, pp. 2257-2262.
- Jojic, N, Perina, A & Kim PhD, D 2016, 'Hierarchical learning of grids of microtopics', 32nd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 2016, ed. Alexander Ihler and Dominik Janzing, AUAI Press, Canada, pp. 299-308pp.
- Perina, A, Kim PhD, D, Turski, A et al. 2014, 'Skim-reading thousands of documents in one minute: Data indexing and visualization for multifarious search', Workshop on Interactive Data Exploration and Analytics (IDEA14), ed. unknown, ACM, u, pp. 107-116.
- Kim, J, Kim, J, Kim PhD, D et al. 2014, 'Diversity-seeking users and their influence on social news sites', 20th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining KDD2014, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), USA.
- Kim PhD, D & Oh, A 2014, 'Hierarchical Dirichlet Scaling Process', 31st International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2014, JMLR - Journal of Machine Learning, Online.
- Kim PhD, D, Wang, H & Oh, A 2013, 'Context-Dependent Conceptualization', 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2013, AAAI Press, USA, pp. 2564-2661.
- Kim, J, Kim PhD, D, Kim, S et al. 2012, 'Modeling Topic Hierarchies with the Recursive Chinese Restaurant Process', 21st ACM International conference on Information and Knowledge Management, ed. unknown, ACM, New York, pp. 783-792.
- Kim PhD, D, Kim, S & Oh, A 2012, 'Dirichlet Process with Mixed Random Measures: A Nonparametric Topic Model for Labeled Data', 29th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2012), Association for Computational Linguistics, unknown.
- Kim PhD, D & Oh, A 2011, 'Topic Chains for Understanding a News Corpus', Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, ed. Alexander Gelbukh, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, India, pp. 163-176.
- Kim PhD, D & Oh, A 2011, 'Accounting for Data Dependencies within a Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Mixture Model', 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, ACM, New York, USA, pp. 873-878.