Dr Rodney A Kennedy

ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics
T: +61 2 6125 8679

Areas of expertise

  • Electrical And Electronic Engineering 0906
  • Signal Processing 090609
  • Wireless Communications 100510
  • Acoustics And Acoustical Devices; Waves 020301
  • Coding And Information Theory 080401
  • Image Processing 080106

Research interests

Broad interest in wireless communications, equalization, blind algorithms, ion channel modeling, broadband arrays and beamforming, nearfield arrays, spatial information theory, RF antenna analysis, information theory, servo control, medical imaging, GPU accelerated computation, wireless channel modeling, MIMO systems, inverse problems, statistic and Markov channels, dimensionality of systems, measurement and modeling head related transfer functions, dummy heads, pitch shifting speech, digital TV receivers, discretization of continuous systems, image registration, direction of arrival estimation, nonlinear filtering, convergence of algorithms, detection and estimation, ultrawideband communication systems, reduced complexity Viberbi and sequential estimation, error propagation in feedback receivers, multipath richness estimation, spatial correlation, sensor coupling and correlation, signal concentration and uncertainty principles, compressed sensing (compressive sampling), context-free grammars and related.


Rodney A. Kennedy has been Professor in Engineering at the Australian National University since 2000 and is currently the Head of the Applied Signal Processing research group within the Research School of Engineering. He is an electrical engineer with research specialisation in wireless communications, signal processing and audio signal processing.

He has been Head of the Departments of Information Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering in the Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering between 1994 and 2008, and Director of Research 2009-2010. Professor Kennedy has received 29 external grants and industry contracts/university consultancies including 14 ARC grants. In addition he has a leading participant in major research centres including the Cooperative Research Centre for Robust and Adaptive Systems (CRASys), National ICT Australia (NICTA) and the ARC Communications Research Network (ACoRN).

He is an IEEE Fellow and has published in excess of 380 journal papers, conference papers and patents, and has supervised nearly 50 PhD students. He was an Associate editor for 11 years in the IEEE Transactions on Communications and a member of a number of journal editorial boards. He is a former QEII Fellow and recipient of a number awards including the ATERB medal and the UNSW University medal. His h-index is 38 or so.


Researcher's projects

Advancing Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DP170101897)

Summary: The Project aims to develop optimal, efficient and robust signal processing methods for diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) with significantly reduced scan times, consistent with what patients can actually tolerate. The novel processing methods will exploit spherical geometries, which encode information about white matter fibres in the brain, for collection and reconstruction of images. The Project will advance engineering knowledge in a multi-disciplinary young field and will crucially accelerate the data collection/processing pipeline while maintaining high fidelity reconstruction. Non-invasive and inexpensive early detection of many neurological disorders such as dementia are expected to become feasible via Team's findings.

 Impact Statement: A child, possibly distressed, can only be motionless long enough to undergo a basic diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) scan of the brain. Enhanced forms of dMRI currently need 60 minutes or longer (on adult volunteers in research labs). Advancing the engineering knowledge on the data capture process, gives the best chance to significantly reduce dMRI scan times in order to make state-of-the-art methods clinically relevant and provide better understanding of the wiring of the brain. 



Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  05 October 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers