Professor Marnie Hughes-Warrington

BEd(Hons) (Tas), DPhil (Oxon) PFHEA
Professor of History
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Areas of expertise

  • Historical Studies 2103

Research interests

Historiography, philosophy of history, history education


  • Fellow in Global History, Ludwig Maximilian Universität München 2019
  • Visitor, School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (2018 and 2014)
  • Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 2016
  • Finalist, Telstra Women's Business Awards ACT 2015
  • National Secretary for the Rhodes Scholarships Australia 2014–
  • University of Tasmania Foundation Graduate Award 2013
  • Friend of the Ako Aotearoa Academy for Teaching Excellence 2010
  • Prime Minister's Award for University Teacher of the Year 2008
  • Australian Learning and Teaching Council Teaching Excellence Award for Humanities 2008
  • Visiting Fellow, Leipzig University 2007 and 2004
  • Macquarie University Teaching Excellence Award 2006
  • Rhodes Scholarship (Tasmania and Merton, 1992)

Researcher's projects

  • Big and Little Histories: Sizing Up Ethics in Historiography (2018–2020) Why do histories come in various sizes, and why are they written on different time and geographical scales? This project—under contract with Routledge—teases out the role of ethics in shaping the scales of histories. It explores the range of histories, from microhistories to big histories, and uses this as a means of asking whether our current codes of ethical conduct for history need to be expanded and revised.
  • This will be the second volume in an intended four book series which explores the imprint of Aristotle's thought on the discipline of history.

Available student projects

I am happy to supervise PhB, Honours and PhD students who wish to develop their skills and expertise in history theory, historiography and philosophy of history.

Current student projects

  • Matilda Keynes, LaTrobe (with Tanya Fitzgerald): historical justice, reconciliation and education, see for first journal paper

Past student projects

Since joining ANU:

  • Tyson Retz (2014–18), University of Melbourne (with Stuart Macintyre), 'The History and Function of Empathy in Historical Studies', book Empathy and History (2018): 


Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  08 September 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers