Dr Meimanat Hosseini Chavoshi

PhD in Demography (ANU), MA in Population Studies (ANU), Bs in Public Health (Isfahan University of Medical Sciences)
Honorary Senior Lecturer
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Areas of expertise

  • Demography 4403
  • Family And Household Studies 440301
  • Population Trends And Policies 440305
  • Public Health 4206
  • Social Determinants Of Health 420606
  • Health Informatics And Information Systems 420308

Research interests



Family Planning and Reproductive Health

Population projections and Birth forecasting


Family formation and consanguinity marriage




Meimanat Hosseini Chavoshi is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the School of Demography at the ANU College of Social Sciences.  She is a Senior Research Fellow affiliated to the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) in the Demography and Ageing Unit of the School of Population and Global Health at the University of Melbourne. Prior to this, she worked at the ANU's Crawford School of Public Policy and  Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute where she carried out her research studies on fertility transition, abortion, consanguinity, and population policies in Iran, and on the Regional Australia Database for Ageing Research.

Meimanat is currently working on forecasting births and demographic change exploring the role of education and migration on the future of ageing, childbearing and cohort fertility in Australia and Iran.  She has extensive experience in designing and implementation of surveys, and her expertise in quantitative and qualitative research has been resulted in various collaboratons with well-known international demographers. Her longtime collaboration with Prof. Peter McDonald and Prof. Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi resulted in many joint research articles and a winning-prize book on "Fertility Tranistion in Iran: Reproduction and Revolution".


Researcher's projects

Personal research projects

- Fertility transition and population policies in Iran

- Implications of Demographic Change and Ageing in Australia and Asia

- Abortion: causes, consequences and policy implications

Shared research projects

-  Demographic projection models [CEPAR, 2016-2024]

-  ARC Linkage Project on Innovation in Demographiv Modeling for Government Analysis and Planning [ABS, 2022-2024 

-  Family Change and Partnerships in the MENA region [2022-2024]

-  Low fertility and its policy implications in five selected provinces of Iran [Iran NIHR, 2018-2021]

-  Spital population projection: A multi-dimensional multi-state population models in demographic analysis and projections, focusing on modeling human capital formation (education and health) and urbanization in Iran [Funded by ADRI, 2018-2021]

-  The role of education attaiments on trends and prospects of cross-sectional study of cohort fertility in Iran [VID and CEPAR, 2017]

-  Drivers and Decision Making Processes of Irregular Migration Among Afghans in Iran [Funded by Australia Departmnt of Immigration and Border Protection 2014-2016]

-  Demographic Consequences of Asian Disasters: Family Dynamics, Social Capital and Migration Patterns. [Funded by ARC 2012-2015].

-  Recent Trends of Fertility in Iran: Application of the Own-Children Method to the 2011 Census [Funded by Iran's SCI, 2013].

-  Assessing Unsafe Abortion in Two Islamic Countries: Iran and Indonesia [Funded by WHO, 2010-2011].

-  Trends and Level of Fertility in Iran: Application of Own-Children Method to the 2006 Census data [Funded by Statistical Centre of Iran in 2010].

-  Family Planning and Rural Fertility Decline in Iran: A Study in Program   Evaluation, funded by Global Development Network [Funded by GDN in 2009].

-   Childbearing, Labour Supply, and Women’s Well being in Old Age in Iran [Funded by GERPA in 2008].

-  The 2010 Iran Demographic and Health Survey [Funded by the Iran Ministry of Health].

-  The 2008 Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (IMES) for Family Health Programs [Funded by the Iran Ministry of Health].

-  The 2005 Iran Low Fertility Survey [Funded by Wellcome Trust].

-  The 2002 Iran Fertility Transition Survey [Funded by Wellcome Trust].

-  The 2000 Iran Demographic and Health Survey [Funded by the Iran Ministry of Health].

Past student projects

Nasibeh Zanjary, 2012-2016: Successful Ageing in Iran: Conceptualization, Instrument Development and Validation. PhD research project


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Updated:  01 July 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers