Dr Christina Griffin

Doctor of Philosophy (ANU), Master of Natural Hazards (ANU), Bachelor of Environmental Science (Class 1 Hons) (University of Wollongong)
Research Fellow
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific

Research interests

I am interested in the interaction between processes of agrarian change, climate change adaptation, and natural hazards, with a particular focus on rural communities in Aotearoa-New Zealand and Indonesia. Currently, I am researching the role of earth observation data (i.e., satellite imagery) for equitable resource governance in the Asia Pacific. 


I have extensive research and policy experience in the fields of natural hazards, climate change adaptation, and rural livelihoods. My PhD focused on understanding vulnerability, livelihoods and volcanic knowledge in the Dieng Plateau of Central Java, Indonesia. Following my PhD, I worked as a consultant in Aotearoa New Zealand on issues of climate risk and adaptation within the rural sector. I have worked with the Deep South Science Challenge to understand dairy farmers perceptions of, and adaptations to, climate change. Before returning to the ANU, I was a research fellow with the University of Melbourne and Partnership for Australia Indonesia Research. This role involved research and policy engagement on issues of agrarian change and rural youth in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. My research currently focuses on how earth observation data can be applied ethically to resource governance in the Asia Pacific. I am committed to understanding how processes of global environmental change, alongside technological innovation, adversely impact, or can be harnessed, by agrarian communities for more equitable and sustainable resource use. 



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Updated:  08 September 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers