Dr Reza Fazeli

B.Eng. (Mechanical), MSc.(Energy.Systems), PhD (Sustainable.Energy.Systems)
Research Fellow, Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific Grand Challenge
ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics

Areas of expertise

  • Numerical Analysis 010301
  • Decision Support And Group Support Systems 080605
  • Operations Research 010206
  • Optimisation 490304
  • Probability Theory 490506
  • Mathematical Economics 380303
  • Environment And Resource Economics 380105

Research interests

Decarbonization of Energy Systems, Energy Modeling, Climate Policy Assessment, Multi-criteria Decision Analysis, System Dynamics Modeling.


Dr Reza Fazeli joined the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science in January 2020, as a Research Fellow at Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific Grand Challenge. His main research interests are dynamics of hydrogen market development, energy systems modelling, analysis of energy policies towards decarbonization and Multi-criteria decision analysis of climate policies. He received his PhD in Sustainable Energy systems from University of Porto, MIT-Portugal program. 


Reports (2)

1- Reza Fazeli and Thomas Longden, 2023, “Energy security and low carbon imports - An analysis of the cost-competitiveness of exporting hydrogen from Australia to Europe”, Produced for the German-Australian HySupply Project, Australian National University.

2- Clarke, D., Baldwin, K., Baum, F., Godfrey, B., Richardson, S., Robin, L., and Fazeli, R. (2022). Australian Energy Transition Research Plan. Report Three: Energy System Dynamics. Report for the Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA), www.acola.org.

Submissions (3)

1- White, L., Aisbett, E., Baldwin, K., Fazeli, R., Beck., F., Submission in response to: “Australia’s Guarantee of Origin Scheme Design”, October 2023.

2- White, L., McArthur, L., Rahbari, A., Gosens, J., Beck., F., Baldwin, K., Aisbett, E., Riley, B., Fazeli, R., Beck., F., Submission in response to: Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation Western Australia’s Renewable Hydrogen Strategy Refresh: Stakeholder Consultation Paper 2023, October 2023.

3- Fiona J. Beck, Lee White, Lorrae McArthur, Bin Lu, Wenting Cheng, Brad Riley, Emma Aisbett, Reza Fazeli, John Pye, Alireza Rahbari, Joe Coventry, and Kenneth Baldwin,  Hydrogen Strategy Review Consultation Submission by ANU Hydrogen Fuels Project, part of the Zero Carbon Energy for the Asia Pacific research initiative, Aug 2023.

Recent Peer-reviewed Publications (3)

1- Fazeli, R., Beck, F.J., and Stocks, M., (2022), Recognizing the role of uncertainties in the transition to renewable hydrogen, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 47, Issue 56, pp. 27896-27910.

2- Stocks, M., Fazeli, R., Hughes, L., and Beck, F.J., (2022), Global emissions implications from co-combusting ammonia in coal-fired power stations: An analysis of the Japan-Australia supply chain, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 336, 130092.

3-  White, L. V., Fazeli, R., Cheng., W., Aisbett, E., Beck, F.J., Baldwin, K.G.H., Howarth, P., O’Neill, L., (2021). Towards emissions certification systems for international trade in hydrogen: the policy challenge of defining boundaries for emissions accounting. Energy. Vol. 215, Part A.

Researcher's projects

Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific



Current Projects:

  1. Cost-competitiveness implications of misalignment in hydrogen certifications: a case study of exports from Australia to the EU  
  2. Market Analysis for Green iron/steel in Australia (HILT-CRC Project)
  3. Impact of Fugitive Hydrogen Emissions from Australian gas networks and export supply chain
  4. Accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles in Australian cities (ARC-Linkage project)

Completed Projects:

  • Risk of Stranded Assets for Blue Hydrogen Plants 
  • Co-firing of Ammonia in coal-power plants in ASEAN region
  • Understanding the role of uncertainies in the transition to renewable hydrogen 
  • Dynamics of Transition to Renewable H2 
  • Global emissions implications from co-combusting ammonia in coal fired power stations in Japan 
  • Towards Emissions certification systems for international trade in hydrogen
  • Decarbonization scenarios for the Reykjavik’s passenger transport: The combined effects of behavioral changes and technological developments 
  • Trajectories towards a sustainable energy future in Iceland 
  • Sustainability Assessment of Electro-Mobility Transition in Iceland


Current student projects

Bottom-up modeling of demand for green iron across the globe


Past student projects

  1. The Suitability of Hydrogen Powered Aircrafts in Commercial Aviation, Andre Vumbaca, Australian National University, Nov 2023.
  2. Techno-Economic Assessment of Hydrogen Production in Costa Rica, Simone Antich, Australian National University, May 2023
  3. Exploring the GHG implications of co-firing ammonia in the ASEAN coal-fired power plant fleet -Sophie Burgess, Australian National University, Nov, 2022
  4. Designing optimal hybrid wind and solar electricity supply configurations for renewable hydrogen generation in Australia, Jeremy Brill, Australian National University, Nov 2022
  5. Projecting Potential Policy Impacts ontoAlkaline Electrolysers.By application of the historic influence on renewable energy technology, Ruby Jones, Australian National University, Oct 2021
  6. Stakeholder Analysis and Stakeholder Value Identification for Sustainable Energy Development in Iceland, Bjarnhéðinn Guðlaugsson, University of Iceland, 2019
  7. Cost Optimizing Simulation and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis on Batteries’ Prospects - A case study of Time Shifting Local Variable Renewable Generation in Northern Finland, Tero Atso Johannes Heinonen, University of Iceland, 2018



Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  08 July 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers