Professor Jeremy Farrall

BA (Hons) / LLB (Hons) (Melbourne), Ph.D in International Law (Tasmania)
Professor of Law, ANU Law School, ANU College of Law
ANU College of Law

Areas of expertise

  • International Law (Excl. International Trade Law) 180116
  • International Relations 160607
  • Human Rights Law 180114


Dr. Jeremy Farrall is Professor of Law in the ANU College of Law, at the Australian National University.

A leading International Law scholar of the United Nations and its Security Council, Professor Farrall has been a Chief Investigator on three exciting Australian Research Council Discovery Projects: 

  1. 'Shaping International Law after Global Transformation: Australian Experiences' (2023-2027, total funding $635,000, with Madelaine Chiam (La Trobe), Jordana Siverstein (Melbourne) and Chris Michaelsen (UNSW)); 
  2. 'Reconceiving Engagement with lnternational Law in a Populist Era' (2022-2027, total funding $622,000, with Jo Ford (ANU), Imogen Saunders (ANU), Peter Danchin (Maryland) and Shruti Rana (Indiana)); and 
  3. 'Leveraging Power and Influence on the UN Security Council' (2015-2022, total funding $488,000, with Chris Michaelsen (UNSW), Jochen Prantl (ANU) and Jeni Whalan (UQ)). 

Jeremy has previously worked for the United Nations in a range of roles, serving as a Political Affairs Officer both for the UN Security Council at UN Headquarters in New York (2001-2004) and for the UN Mission in Liberia (2004-2006). He was also a UN Facilitator for the UN Secretary-General's Good Offices team that mediated peace talks in Cyprus (2004, 2008). 

His broader research interests include UN diplomacy, UN sanctions, international mediation and negotiation, peacebuilding and the rule of law. His books include:

  • United Nations Sanctions and the Rule of Law (Cambridge 2007 (hardcover), 2008 (reprint) and 2009 (paperback)); 
  • The Role of International Law in Rebuilding Societies after Conflict (Cambridge 2009 (hardcover) & 2013 (paperback), edited with B. Bowden and H. Charlesworth); 
  • Sanctions, Accountability and Governance in a Globalised World (Cambridge 2009 (hardcover) & 2014 (paperback), edited with K. Rubenstein);
  • Strengthening the Rule of Law through the UN Security Council (Routledge 2016 (hardcover) & 2017 (paperback), edited with H. Charlesworth).

Researcher's projects



Dr. Farrall has been Chief Investigator and/or Fellow on the following major ARC Grants:


1. 'Shaping International Law in Global Transformations: Australian experiences'

ARC Funding Scheme: Discovery Projects 2023

Chief Investigators: Dr. M. Chiam (La Trobe), Dr. Jordana Silverstein (Melbourne), Prof J. Farrall (ANU) & A/Prof C. Michaelsen (UNSW)

Project ID: DP230102088

Project funding: $635,000 

Project duration: 2022-2027

Project Summary:

This project aims to examine how Australia influences the development of international law in times of global transformation. The project proposes to develop a new analytical framework to understand how and why Australia has succeeded (or failed) in shaping the development of international law in four key periods of global transformation. Expected outcomes include empirical studies evaluating how, why and to what extent Australians managed to shape international law during these periods. These outcomes should provide benefits in the form of evidence-based proposals to enhance Australia's capacity to influence the development of international law in times of global transformation.


2. 'Reconceiving Engagement with International Law in a Populist Era'

ARC Funding Scheme: Discovery Projects 2022

Chief InvestigatorsProf J. Farrall (ANU), Prof J. Ford (ANU), A/Prof I. Saunders (ANU), Prof. P. Danchin (Maryland) & Prof. S. Rana (Indiana)

Project ID: DP220101584

Project funding: $620,000 

Project duration: 2022-2027

Project Summary:

This project seeks to address the fundamental problem of how to reconceive engagement by states with the international legal order, in the face of a sustained populist backlash. It proposes to develop a new analytical framework to evaluate the origins and impact of populist concerns about international law. Expected outcomes include detailed empirical studies of the extent to which countries with populist leaders have disengaged from the international legal order, and evidence-based recommendations to increase committed engagement by states with that order. Anticipated benefits include expanding national research and policy capacity in reinforcing the rules and institutions that support Australia’s security and prosperity.


3. 'Leveraging Power and Influence on the UN Security Council: The role of Elected Members'

ARC Funding Scheme: Discovery Projects 2015

Chief Investigators: A/Prof C. Michaelsen (UNSW), Prof J. Farrall (ANU), Prof J. Prantl (ANU) & Dr. J. Whalan (UQ)

Project ID: DP150100300

Project funding: $488,000 

Project duration: 2015-2021

Project Summary:

This project examines the fundamental problem of how elected members on the Security Council can influence Council decision-making and norm development. Assembling a research team of international lawyers and political scientists, the project provides a rigorous, multi-disciplinary evaluation of why and when non-permanent Council members have succeeded in impacting the Council's decision-making process, despite lacking the veto power available to the five permanent members. Drawing on recent experiences of elected members, including Australia, the project advances evidence-based and empirically-grounded policy proposals designed to increase the capacity of elected members to exercise power and influence over the Council's agenda and policy.


4. Strengthening the Rule of Law through the UN Security Council

ARC Funding Scheme: Linkage Projects 2011

Chief Investigators: Prof H. Charlesworth (ANU) & Dr J. Farrall (ANU)

ARC Linkage Industry Fellow: Dr J Farrall

Project ID: LP110100708

Project funding: $658,000 (ARC $329,000; Linkage Partner Organisation $329,000 ($235,000 cash + $94,000 in-kind)

Project duration: 2011-2014

Linkage Partner Organisations: ANU Centre for International Governance and Justice and the Australian Civil-Military Centre.

Project website

Project Summary:

Since the end of the Cold War, the UN Security Council has emphasised its commitment to the rule of law, yet it has not always lived up to this promise. This project will examine the relationship between the Security Council and the rule of law, particularly in the areas of peacebuilding, sanctions and the use of force. It will identify new approaches to enhance respect for the rule of law, including through the effective coordination of civilian and military operations, as well as the ways in which Australia can best promote such approaches at the international level. It will produce a series of scholarly publications and practical policy guidelines for international institutions.


5. Building Democracy and Justice after Conflict

ARC Funding Scheme: Discovery Projects 2005

Chief InvestigatorProf H. Charlesworth (ANU)

Research Fellows: Dr. B. Bowden, Dr. J. Farrall, Dr. S Harris-Rimmer 

Project ID: DP0667107

Project funding: $620,000 

Project duration: 2006-2010

Project website:

Project Summary:

Weak governance is a cause of terrorism. Australia is increasingly involved in nation-building projects, both in its region and internationally. This project will build Australia's expertise in the ways that international law can promote democracy and justice after conflict. It will develop guidelines for states and organisations involved in peace and nation-building. The project will thus contribute to safeguarding Australia by increasing Australia's capacity to engage with, and interpret itself to, its neighbours and the broader international community, as well as by tackling the threat of terrorism. 




1. The Role and Impact of Pacific Rim Political Coordinators on UN Security Council decision-making (2014):

Total funding: $14,845.

Awarded a competitive Australian National University Research School of Asia and the Pacific grant to pursue a new research directions program on the topic 'Coordinating Chaos: The Role and Impact of Pacific Rim Political Coordinators on UN Security Council Decision-making'. 

2. The Challenges and Opportunities of UN Security Council Membership (2012):

Total funding: $13,200.

Awarded a competitive Australian National University Research School of Asia and the Pacific grant to bring Ambassador Colin Keating (Former Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the UN and Foundation Executive Director of Security Council Report) to the ANU for a period of residence in May 2013. Amb. Keating engaged in a series of high-profile activities, including a Public Lecture, a Chatham House roundtable, a DFAT Senior Officials Workshop, and a PhD Masterclass on the Challenges and Opportunities of UN Security Council Membership. Conversations with Ambassador Keating were pivotal in shaping thinking and collaborations that led to the successful 2015 ARC Discovery Project proposal 'Leveraging Power and Influence on the UN Security Council' (2015-2018). 

3. Revitalizing the United Nations Security Council (2009):

Total funding: $3,000.

 Awarded a competitive ANU pilot grant to travel to New York to interview members of the UN diplomatic community with a view to preparing and submitting an application in the ARC Linkage Project scheme. The resulting ARC application was successful, leading to the 2011 ARC Linkage Project proposal 'Strengthening the Rule of Law through the UN Security Council' (2011-2014). 

Current student projects


Primary PhD supervisor (Chair of PhD Panel) for:


Mr. Michael Morison

Thesis topic: 'Reimagining Participatory Democracy Through Peacebuilding: United Nations Democratisation in Timor-Leste and Cambodia'




PhD Supervisor and/or PhD Panel Member for:


Ms. Jodie O'Leary

Thesis topic: 'An examination of the effectiveness of transitional justice mechanisms in Timor-Leste'



Mr. Giridharan Ramasubramanian

Thesis topic: 'Formal-Informal Institutional Dynamics and the (Re) Negotiation of Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific'


Past student projects

Dr. Shane Chalmers 

Thesis topic: 'Law's Rule: Liberia and the rule of law' (completed 2016)

Published as: Chalmers, S. (2018), Liberia and the Dialectic of Law: Critical Theory, Pluralism, and the Rule of Law (Routledge)

Dr. Ashley Clements

Thesis topic: 'The role of humanitarian negotiations in expanding humanitarian access for the provision of assistance and protection during asymmetric conflict'

Published as: Clements, A. (2019,), Humanitarian Negotiations with Armed Groups: The Frontlines of Diplomacy (Routledge)


Dr. Jolyon Ford

Thesis Topic: 'Peacebuilding and the Private Sector: Regulating Business After Conflict' (completed 2011)

Published as: Ford, J. (2015), Regulating Business for Peace (Cambridge)


Dr. Timothea Horn

Thesis topic: 'On different tracks: 20 years of disarmament diplomacy by Australia, Canada and New Zealand'



Dr. Jayson Lamchek

Thesis topic: 'Myth-Making and Reality: A Critical Examination of Human Rights-Compliant Counterterrorism in the Philippines and Indonesia' (completed 2016)

Published as: Lamchek, J. (2018) Human Rights Compliant Counterterrorism (Cambridge)


Dr. Jade Lindley

Thesis topic: 'Somali piracy: exploring onset, persistence and desistance' (completed 2014)

Published as: Lindley, J. (2016), Somali Piracy: A criminological perspective (Routledge):


Dr. Awidya Santikajaya

Thesis topic: 'The role of emerging powers in international relations' (completed 2017)





Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  05 July 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers