Dr Liz Curran

SFHEA, BA/LLB (Monash); Masters in Law (Melbourne); RSA (Oxon); Grad. Dip. Education (ACU); Doctorate (La Trobe), Cert Conflict Conferencing & Mediation ( La Trobe)
Associate Professor Clinical Legal Education & School Research Impact Lead, Nottingham Law School (Nottingham Trent University); Curran Consulting: Enhancing Justice & Human Rights; Hon. Asoc. Prof. ANU.
ANU College of Law
T: Melbourne based

Areas of expertise

  • Law 1801
  • Access To Justice 180102
  • Human Rights Law 180114
  • Law And Society 180119
  • Legal Institutions (Incl. Courts And Justice Systems) 180120
  • Legal Practice, Lawyering And The Legal Profession 180121
  • Public Health And Health Services 1117
  • Policy And Administration 1605

Research interests

Measuring Impact, Effectiveness and Quality Services (legal assistance services and non-legal community services)

Access to Justice

Multi-disciplinary Practice

Health and Justice Partnership Evaluation and Impact

Effective Legal Practice

Clinical Legal Education

Youth Justice

Human Rights (domestic with specific interest in people with vulnerability or experiencing disadvantage)

Community Legal Education (community development)

Ethics and Legal Professionalism

Rule of Law, Participatory Democracy and Good Governance

Legal and Policy Reform

Social Justice for Vulnerable and People Experiencing Disadvantage

Family Violence

Restorative Justice



Recently appointed as 'Associate Professor Clinical Legal Education and School Research Impact Lead', Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University (UK based).

Dr Curran makes a difference in the world by improving access to justice and enabling good ethical practice. She is recognised worldwide for her research in impact evaluation.

Principal, 'Curran Consulting: Enhancing Justice & Human Rights' (ongoing); Hon. Assoc. Professor, ANU College of Law (2020-2023).

Member: Australian Society of Evaluators; Law Institute of Victoria; Legal Action Group UK; Practical Legal Training Cmttee (Victorian Legal Admissions Board); Connecting Legal Education Group (UK Law Teachers Assoc).

Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). Senior Visiting Fellow (honorary), Nottingham Trent University (2017-2022), current Practicing Certificate Victoria .

Book Better Law for Better World: New approaches to law practice & education  Routledge UK, April 2021.  It examines how the law can be improved.   https://www.routledge.com/Better-Law-for-a-Better-World-New-Approaches-to-Law-Practice-and-Education/Curran/p/book/9780367180423

Reports & journal articles: access to justice, human rights, quality legal service, legal professionalism & ethics, clinical legal education and impact in law reform.


Nominated 2021- Australian Excellence in Evaluation Award, Australian Society of Evaluators

Australian Centenary Medal 2004 ‘legal services to community and lecturing’

National Carrick Australian Award for University Teaching, 2006.


Assoc. Prof. ANU; Associate Director, Centre for the Profession, Education and Regulation in Law; Past Convener ANU Graduate Diploma Legal Practice and undergraduate offerings.

Director, West Heidlberg Community Legal Service; Lecturer at La Trobe University/ superviser clinical legal education program;  Director, human rights organisation

Other roles: Director of Policy, humanitarian organisation, lawyer legal centres, policy /edia spokesperson for Federation of Community Legal Centres, private practice (rural & CBD) and legal aid.

Consumer Action Law Centre (CALC) 'In-house Adviser' (pro bono) June 2012 2020.

Governance: Victorian Council of Legal Education, Liberty Victoria, Board  Catholic Social Services, Ministerial Advisory on Youth Justice, Ad Hoc Commonwealth Legal Education Committee, ANU Advisory Social Justice and Law Reform (2013-2020)



Researcher's projects


In progress in 2021 two book Chapters:

Chapter 12, 'Delayed Justice' with Sharon Lacy (Victorian Bar) in edited collection Controversies, Challenges and Change in Australian Courts, eds. Dr Alistair Harkness (University of New England) Marg Camilleri and Dr Rachel Hale (Federation University) Palgrave MacMillan Publisher.

‘A role for student clinics in breaking down professional silos – practical examples Chapter in Recent Developments in Clinical Legal Education (Eds.  Ben Livings & Matthew Atkinson) Routledge UK, (forthcoming 2021).

Refereed Publications


Better Law for a Better World:New Approaches to Law Practice and Education Routledge Uk 2021. https://www.routledge.com/Better-Law-for-a-Better-World-New-Approaches-to-Law-Practice-and-Education/Curran/p/book/9780367180423


‘Wellness and going bush’ Chapter in Wellness for Law: Making Wellness Core Business (ed. Judith Mary Church & Adiva Sifris) with Pamela Taylor-Barnett, Reed International Books Australia Pty Ltd (trading as “LexisNexis”) (28 November 2019). https://store.lexisnexis.com.au/products/wellness-for-law-making-wellness-core-business-skuwellness_for_law_making_wellness_core_business

Enabling Marginalised Voices to Be Heard: The Challenge to LawReform Bodies’, New Directions for Law in Australia:Essays in Contemporary Law Reform, edited by Ron Levy, Molly O’Brien,Simon Rice, Pauline Ridge and Margaret Thornton, published 2017 by ANU Press, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, Chapter 48, 517 -  527. dx.doi.org/10.22459/NDLA.09.2017.4 https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ea79/af1abc0716614befde0e6bb86f54932a6835.pdf

Global Perspectives on Human Rights: Oxford Human Rights Hub Blog (2nd Edition) edited by Laura Hilly and Richard Martin (2014-2015), Oxford University Press, 2016.  Chapter One: Access to Justice ‘Valuing the Work of Community Lawyers to Resolve Systemic Problems, 21-22 and Chapter Seven: Expression Association and Assembly ‘Racial Discrimination Act and Free Speech – Carte Blanche or Fair and Reasonable – What are Human Rights in all this?,  141-142. http://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/9811-OxHRH-E-Book-2015-digital-single.pdf


  1. 'Sharing elements of effective practice to address earlier, signs of family violence’ (2019) 44 (3) Alternative Law Journal, https://doi.org/10.1177/1037969X19843624,
  2. ‘Interdisciplinary Learning Opportunities for Clinical Students and Teachers – A Case Study Shared’ with Matthew Atkinson, Katia Ferrar and Paras Kontolian, Special Edition, ‘Teaching and Learning in Interdisciplinary Higher Education: Law and Social and Health Sciences’ 6 (1) Australian Journal of Clinical Legal Education  Education for Well-Being in Law: Positive Professional Identities and Practice (Editors: Rachel Field & Caroline Strevens) (November 2019). https://www.routledge.com/Educating-for-Well-Being-in-Law-Positive-Professional-Identities-and-Practice/Strevens-Field/p/book/97811384775
  3. with Taylor-Barnett P (2019) ‘Evaluating projects in multifaceted and marginalised communities: The need for mixed approaches, Evaluation Journal of Australasia Volume: 19 Issue: 1, pp: 22-38. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1035719X19832688
  4. Lessons for the Future: the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Childhood Abuse, (December 2018) Law Institute Journal, 19-20 https://www.liv.asn.au/Staying-Informed/LIJ/LIJ/December-2018/Lessons-for-the-future  and Oxford Human Rights Hub, https://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/lessons-for-the-future-the-australian-royal-commission-into-institutional-childhood-abuse
  5. ‘Social Justice – Making It Come Alive and A Reality for Students, And Enabling Them to Become Engaged Future Ethical Practitioners’, Nottingham Law Journal, Fall (2) 2018, 33-47.   http://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/33413/19/14760_Denoncourt.pdf
  6. 'Educating future practitioners through an Interdisciplinary Student Clinic’ (2018)25 (1) International Journal of Clinical Legal Education. (on-line) with Isobel Ryder, Caroline Strevenshttp://www.northumbriajournals.co.uk/index.php/ijcle/article/view/693
  7. ‘Multi-disciplinary Practice Health Justice Partnerships–Working ethically to ensure reach to the most in need’, 26 Nottingham Law Journal (2017) 11 -36.https://www.ntu.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0026/440657/NLJ-Vol26-2017-REV-Text.pdf 
  8. ‘Reflections on Practice and Recent Research to Enable Future Practitioners to Learn About Working Collaboratively Across Disciplines to Better Help the Community’ Vol. 12, No. 1, Autumn 2017, Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education, 46-64. ISSN 1476-0401 http://law-school.open.ac.uk/sites/law-school.open.ac.uk/files/files/JCLLE%20Vol%2012%20No%201%20Autumn%202017.pdf
  9.  ‘Lawyer Secondary Consultations: improving access to justice and human rights: reaching clients otherwise excluded through professional support in a multi-disciplinary practice’ 8(1) Journal of Social Inclusion (2017) https://josi.journals.griffith.edu.au/index.php/inclusion/article/view/8
  10. ‘Reflecting on community development practice: Working with communities for effective change by enabling access to justice’ with P Taylor Barnett and A Vernon, 19 (1) Flinders Law Journal, (July, 2017) http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/FlinLawJl/2017/3.pdf.
  11. ‘Measuring the impact, quality and effectiveness of legal assistance services in a climate of reduced funding and increased government expectations: The Australian experience’ (with Andrew Crockett), 22 (3), (2016), European Journal of Current Legal Issues, 27)http://webjcli.org/article/view/468
  12.  ‘Integrating Two Measures of Quality Practice into Clinical and Practical Legal Education Assessment: Good client interviewing and effective community legal education’, International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, 21(1), 2014 with Tony Foley, 69–92.
  13. ’Measuring Legal Services: A Practical methodology for measuring quality and outcomes of legal assistance services,’ with Crockett A, University of Tasmania Law Review, 32(1), 2013, 70-95.

Reports Authored by Dr Curran

with Pamela Taylor-Barnett (June 2021)Pathways to empowerment and justice: The Invisible Hurdles Stage II Research and Evaluation Final Report Produced for the Hume Riverina Community Legal Service; Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service; North East Support & Action for Youth & Wodonga Flexible Learning Centre, ANU. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3867295

'From Fragmented to Holistic: Starting the evidence base the client centred practice through a navigator.' A report on the research evaluation of the Hammersmith Fulham Law Centre’s, ‘Women’s Crisis Navigator Service Project PIlot’ (Curran Consulting: Enhancing Justice & Human Rights) Pilot (dated April 2021 publication 5 Ausgust 2021). https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3899573

'Getting out of Debt: The Road to Recovery for Victim Survivors of Family Violence' ANU for Consumer Action Law Centre (January 2020). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3512672

'Overcoming the Invisible Hurdles to Justice for Young People: A Final Research and Evaluation Report of the Invisible Hurdles Project (Health Justice Partnership) with Pamela Taylor Barnett, November 2018. http://www.hrcls.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/DESIGNED_Full-final-Report_October_20181102.pdf

First Research and Evaluation Report Phase One Consumer Action Law Centre Project - ‘Responding Effectively to Family Violence Dimensions of Debt and Credit through Secondary Consultations & Training with Community Professionals, commissioned by the Consumer Action Law Centre, 30 November 2017, Victorian State Government, Justice and Regulation.


A Research and Evaluation Report for the Bendigo Health–Justice Partnership: A Partnership between Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Centre and Bendigo Community Health Services (October 31, 2016 published 22 November 2017, ANU & ARC Justice Bendigo Ltd. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3076407 Or http://lcclc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/HJP-full-and-final-report.pdf

Katia Sanderson, Lachlan Edwards, Jillian Williams of Consumer Action Law Centre and Dr Liz Curran, Australian National University, School of Legal Practice, ‘Second Evaluation Report of Consumer Action Law Centre’s Worker Advice Service -A Legal Secondary Consultation Service to Community sector professionals: One year on’ 18 October 2017, https://workers.consumeraction.org.au/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2017/11/171018-Evaluation-Report-Worker-Advice-Service-final.pdf

S Ball, C Wong (Victorian Legal Service Board (LSB)) & L Curran , Facilitator and Adviser for Health Justice Partnerships for LSB, 'Health Justice Partnerships Development Report', 2016 http://www.lsbc.vic.gov.au/documents/Report-Health_Justice_Partnership_Development-2016.PDF

L Curran, T Willcox & Jillian Williams, 'Evaluating Consumer Action's Worker Advice Service', June 2016. 


Curran, L (2015) 'Why Didn't You Ask?' - Evaluation of the Family Violence Project of Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Community Legal Centre, ANU,  http://lcclc.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Final-Evaluation-Report-LSB-Family-Violence-Curran-14-May-2015.pdf

‘Encouraging Good Practice in Measuring Effectiveness in the Legal Service Sector’, May 2013 http://www.naclc.org.au/resources/final_version_measurementreport_gb_lc_reformatted_sf_21.5.13_1.pdf

or http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2395031


’Solving Legal Problems: A strategic approach’, March, 2013 http://consumeraction.org.au/new-report-solving-problems-a-strategic-approach/

or http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2297705


Liz has been referred to and cited heavily with some recommendations adopted in recent reports on access to justice and human rights including but not limited to:

Review of Continuing Professional Development to the Victorian Legal Services Board and Commission, 30 June 2020. https://lsbc.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-11/CPD_Report_Final_0.pdf

Victorian Government Department of Justice, Access to Justice Review, Report August 2016, cited with approval by the Inquiry. See details below.


Curran Cited Vol 2 at 372 and 422


 (Curran Cited Vol 1, Curran on pages 70, 180, 169, 165, 155)

The Final Report of the  Government Review of the Human Rights Charter in Victoria (September 2015 -17 Times). 


The Productiviy Commission Full  Final Report (Vol 1 & 2) on Access to Justice Arrangements (September 2014 - at least 30 times)


The Allen Consulting Review for the Commonwealth Attorney Ceneral's Department (July 2014 - at least seven times in each of the draft, interim and final reports)



Other Reports:

‘I Can See Now there’s Light at the End of the Tunnel’ Legal Aid ACT: Demonstrating and Ensuring Quality Service to Clients, Curran Consulting: Enhancing Justice & Human Rights and Legal Aid ACT, 2012.

Making the Legal System More Responsive to Community: A Report on the Impact of Victorian Community Legal Centre Law Reform Initiatives. Research and Report (2007) funded by the Reichstein Foundation. ISBN 978 – 0-646-47603-2

Ensuring Justice and Enhancing Justice: A Report on Improving Legal Aid Service Delivery to Reach Vulnerable and Disadvantaged People. Research and report funded partly by the Victorian Law Foundation (2007) ISBN 978-1-86446-585-3

Literature Review for the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department (by Curran Consulting: Enhancing Justice & Human Rights and) in February 2012 to inform a Review of the National Partnership of Legal Assistance Services. These services include Legal Aid Commissions, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services, Family Violence and Prevention Services and Community Legal Centres. This Literature Review was made available by the Department on its web site.


Limited licenses of Background IP including instruments of measurement and questions (subject to attribution) to:

Consumer Action Law Centre

Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Service (a Program of ARC Justice Ltd Bendigo)

Hume Riverina Community Legal Service (a Program of Upper Murray Family Care)

Refugee Law

Mortgage Wellbeing Service

Therapeutic Justice Program, Goulburn Valley Community Legal Centre

Legal Services Board

Redfern Legal Service and the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Halton Community Legal Services, Ontario, Canada

Portsmouth University Schools of Law and Nursing

Community Advocacy and Legal Centre, Canada

Legal Aid ACT

WELMA Centre, initiation of a pilot clinical legal education project in a cancer ward, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

Women’s Legal Service Victoria

Welfare Rights Victoria


 Giving Voice to Values Ethics Education Legal Educators Seminar delivered by Dr Liz Curran On-line for Association of Law Teachers UK, Presentation Slides (May 12, 2020). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3603573 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3603573

'The Australian Legal Assistance Sector and the Critical Importance of Justice to Human Lives' May 2018, Oxford University, Faculty of Law, Oxford Human Rights Hub, http://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/the-australian-legal-assistance-sector-and-the-critical-importance-of-justice-to-human-lives/

 ‘The Partnership between Health and Law to Ensure Human Rights’ (Oxford Human Rights Hub Blog, (OxHRH) 28 November 2016) http://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/the-partnership-between-health-and-law-to-ensure-human-rights

'Freedom of Speech or Enabling a Right to Insult? The Australian Debate over Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975’ (OxHRH, 16 May 2017) http://ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk/freedom-of-speech-or-enabling-a-right-to-insult-the-australian-debate-over-section-18c-of-the-racial-discrimination-act-1975

‘Government Response to the Productivity Commission Ignores Substance and Significance of the Problems of Access to Justice in Australia’ International Legal Aid Group, 31 October, 2016 http://internationallegalaidgroup.org/index.php/papers-publications/articles/19-government-response-to-productivity-commission-ignores-substance-and-significance-of-the-problems-for-access-to-justice-in-australia (4,392 hits as at 24 May, 2017)

Liz was 'expert research adviser' to the Law Council of Australia's 'Justice Project' (February 2017 - August 2018). The Law Council of Australia undertook a comprehensive national review into the impediments to justice in Australia, focussing on those facing significant social and economic disadvantage in community. The Final Report was released on 23 August 2018 following a literature review and consultation process. See https://www.lawcouncil.asn.au/justice-project/final-report

Some articles below available publically- See https://digitalcollections.anu.edu.au/advanced-search?query=Dr+Liz+Curran&sort_by=score&order=desc&rpp=10&etal=0&start=0

and on SSRN  http://ssrn.com/author=2030109 and Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=U8danSwAAAAJ&hl=en&cstart=20&pagesize=20


For people who seek to use Dr Curran’s work.

Dr Liz Curran’s Background Intellectual Property (including approaches, tools, questions and methodologies) emerge not only from her academic research, her practice experience, personal journey and teaching experience. They also emerge from the people over many years who have collaborated and shared their experiences with Dr Curran based on relationships of trust and courage.  For people wishing to use her Background IP Dr Curran requires a limited license agreement tominimise misuse. Not- for-profitsagencies can contact Dr Curran for the details of how these tools and approaches might be made available, but otherwise she does not make her specific tools and methods available publicy to protect their integrity. People using her work (some of which she has selectively shared with not-for profit agencies, policy makers and on SSRN) are asked to acknowledge it as a mark of respect, as an honouring of her work over many decades and the contributions of those to it who have trusted her to share their insights. This acknowledgement also ensures the authenticity of those who seek to use her work as a basis for their own.

Liz was Visiting Fellows at the University of Portsmouth and Nottingham Trent University UK from 1 March 2020-mid July 2020 and  Keynote Guest Speaker at a CLEAR Conference planned in June 2020 on Research Impact. 

Liz has been commisioned on behalf of ANU to provide the following research & evaluations:

December, 2019-2020

Research Grant: Co-production of end-of-life care research together with consumers and carers, Scheme: The Australian National University Global Research Partnerships Scheme. 

Collaborators: Brett Scholz (ANU Medical School), Sydney Dy (Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University), Alan Bevan (Carer and Community Representative), Matt Austin (Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality, Johns Hopkins University), Ekavi Georgousopoulou (ANU Medical School), Liz Curran (ANU College of Law), Vinh Lu (ANU College of Business and Economics), Imogen Mitchell (ANU Medical School).

December 2018 - 2021

Stage 2: Research Evaluation for Upper Murray Care (auspicing the Hume Riverina Community Legal Centre), 'Invisible Hurdles - better outcomes for young people experiencing family violence'  - multi-disciplinary practice (with Pamela Taylor-Barnett, ANU) -community development & system reform phase.

September 2017 – 2019

Evaluation for The Consumer Action Law Centre ‘Responding Effectively to Family Violence Dimensions of Debt and Credit through Secondary Consultations & Training with Community Workers.’ See below for report published November 2017

2015 - 2018

Research Evaluation for Upper Murray Care (auspicing the Hume Riverina Community Legal Centre), 'Invisible Hurdles - better outcomes for young people experiencing family violence'  - multi-disciplinary practice (with Pamela Taylor-Barnett, ANU). See below Report published November 2018

2014 - 2016

Research Evaluation of the Health Justice Partnership in Bendigo a joint project of ARC Justice and Bendigo Community Health Service for ARC Justice.

Final Research and Evaluation Report, 2016 (See below for Final Report published end 2017)

July 2014- end May 2015

Research Evaluation of the Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Centre Family Violence Project (Report published May 2015) for ARC Justice Ltd.

External Consultancies/Adviser Roles as Curran Consulting: Enhancing Justice & Human Rights:


Law for Life UK Evaluation Adviser (from September 2021)

Commissioned to undertake the reseach evaluation of the Women's Crisis Navigator Project for the Hammsersmith Fulham Law Centre in London, UK (See Report link above).

2018 - 2020

Adviser (pro bono), Steering Group, University of South Australia pilot Interdisciplinary Student Clinic since May 2018


Expert Adviser, Law Council of Australia's 'Justice Project' See https://www.lawcouncil.asn.au/justice-project

2016 - 2019

Adviser (pro bono) Portsmouth University, UK on a trial student interdisciplinary student clinic research & evaluation 

 2014 - 2017

Adviser to the Legal Services Board Victoria on Consistent Benchmarking for Health Justice Partnership evaluation for LSB Funded Projects.

2013 - 2017

Adviser (pro bono) Belle Ville Community Advocacy & Legal Centre, Ontario, Canada

December 2015- December 2019

Adviser (consultancy) Evaluation of Legal Secondary Consultation Project. (Halton Community Legal Services & Community Advocacy and Legal Centre, Ontario, Canada)

2015 - 2016

Advice on the Aboriginal Health Justice Partnership Evaluation for the Redfern Community Legal Service's Indigenous Legal Clinic at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney (pro bono) 

2015- 2016

Advising Law Clinics, Ontario, Canada on Health Justice Partnership Start-ups


Adviser (pro bono) on their evaluation Evaluation of the Community West's Mortgage Wellbeing Service withdrew December 2015.

2011- ongoing

Grants assessor, Victorian Legal Services Board & Commissioner


International & National Conferences:


Global trends and improvements in applying criminal justice’, Northern Territory Judicial Local Court Conference, 9 August 2021.

‘Housing Law in the UK: ‘outside the square’ thinking to empower us all and the Rule of Law’, Legal Action Group UK Housing Conference, 18 June, 2021.

‘Responding to the challenges of remote service delivery for clients and students in times of a pandemic - seamless service, continuity and sustainability of clinic?’ with Kate Fisher Doherty (Melbourne Law School) Lisa Radke Bliss (Georgia State University) Laura Pinkney (Nottingham Trent University), International Journal of Clinical Legal Education/Global Alliance for Justice Education/Canadian Clinical Legal Education Network, June 2021.

Community of Practice in Evaluation in the Legal Assistance Sector: Measuring and evaluating systemic advocacy/ law reform work, 5 May 2021.

Community of Practice in Evaluation in the Legal Assistance Sector: Measuring Impact: Impact and outcomes frameworks: why we have them, how we got them, how we use them, 3 March 2021.

‘Making an Impact: Are we changing the world?  Are we doing our share? How do we know?’ with Chalita Ugrinovski, Eastern Community Legal Centre &Kim Johnson, Federation of Community Legal Centres, Vic, Community Layers CPD Week, Wednesday 17 March 2021.



Keynote address: ‘Community Legal Educators: A role for training in how to speak to power and act on our values? Using the 'Giving Voice to Values' framework to navigate complex ethical and value dilemmas. A simple how to, to get you started.CD & CLE Working Group Legal Assistance Sector of Victoria 10 Nov 2020.

Ethics and professionalism: 'Giving Voice to Value: Applied Ethics that Positions Future Graduates to Have the Difficult Ethical Conversations’ Professional Legal Education Conference, Bond University & ALAA, October 2020.

‘Measuring Impact: Operationalising evaluation to action effectiveness and quality in clinical work for clients, communities, students and the profession’ within an evidence based framework’ Professional Legal Education Conference, Bond University & ALAA, October 2020.

‘Giving Voice to Values Ethics Education’ Legal Educators Seminar On-line for Association of Law Teachers UK, 12 May 2020.

‘Measuring Impact through Research into Access to Justice Service Delivery and Legal Education Initiatives’, International Conference UK, Centre for Legal Education Nottingham Trent University 10 &11 June 2020.  

‘Online assessment and student engagement’ University of Portsmouth Law School, June 2020.

Seminar 'Impact Measurement: The vexed issue and how to do it ethically and well'  Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, I July 2020

'Measuring Impact: Operationalising Evaluation and its critical importance in determining effectiveness and quality and building the evidence base on the impact of clinical work for clients, communities, students and the profession’ Law Society of Ireland & International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, Dublin 13- 15 July 2020. Cancelled due to Covid 19.



Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, 6-8 March 2019 Oxford, UK ‘Integrated justice practice- Reaching the Excluded, Informing and Shaping Client Centred Practice and Enabling Interdisciplinary Practice to advance Human Rights: New evidence- based approaches’  FLE Learning Network.  

Wellbeing in the Law Forum, University of Melbourne, 14- 15 February 2019 'Wellbeing in the Bush' led by Pamela Taylor-Barnett


Learning from empirical research on effective legal practiceInternational Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference in Melbourne, 28- 30 November 2018 

'Thinking outside the square making the Rule of Law happen in ways that are ethical and accessible for people and their professional supporters,' USA National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism Fall 2018 Workshop Melbourne, Australia

International Legal Ethics Conference, 6-8 December 2018, ‘The Centrality of Client Care as a Critical Underpinning in Ethical Legal Practice’

‘Thinking outside the square making the Rule of Law Happen: in ways that are ethical and accessible for people and their professional supporters’ Workshop USA National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism, December 2018.

Invited as Expert 9 November 2018 of University of Sydney Law School & Macquarie University to speak on 'Measuring Policy Impact Research,' Sydney Law School.

In her joint capacity of ANU & Senior Fellow of Nottingham Trent University, School of Law Liz ran three workshops in the United Kingdom hosted by the Centre for Legal Education with the guiding theme of ‘New Approaches to Lawyering to Better Respond to Community’ with participants from across the United Kingdom as follows:

‘Building Collaborations Locally - Applying A Health Justice Partnerships Model to Law Clinics’, 20 June 2018

‘Alternative Ways to Approach Legal Problem Solving and Disputes to The Adversarial Process to Seek Justice’, 25 June 2018 (Jointly hosted CLE &Nottingham Centre for Children, Young People and Families)

‘New Approaches to Lawyering and The Implications for Legal Education: Equipping Our Students to Meet the Changing World’27 June 2018

‘How to better prepare students for the often chaotic and fragmented nature of practice and strategies with a focus on interdisciplinary approaches that might enable them to develop insight –Interactive,’ Australian Clinical Legal Education Symposium, 5-6 April 2018.

With Ryder, Isobel and Strevens SFHEA, Caroline, 'An Interdisciplinary Student Clinic at University of Portsmouth (UoP): Future Practitioners Working Collaboratively to Improve Health and Wellbeing of Clients' International Journal of Clinical legal Education ad European Clinical legal Educatio Network Conference, (Presentation Slides) (July 5, 2017) available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2997597

Seminar Thursday 10 November 2016 ‘Reaching those most in need and those currently excluded from legal help: Health Justice Partnerships’ and Workshop Friday 11 November 2016 ‘Measuring Impact and evaluation – how and why? and some tips’, 10 – 11 November 2016 Law Centres UK National Conference http://www.lawcentres.org.uk/training-and-events/year:2016/month:10/event:challenging-injustice-rebalancing-the-scales-lcn-national-conference-and-agm-2016

‘Improving access to justice through multi-disciplinary practices': Health Justice Partnerships’ Date: Tuesday 22 November 2016 Time: 5 pm – 7 pm. Location: Lecture Theatre 8, Newton building, Main Entrance, Nottingham Trent University 


Key Note Speaker Nottingham Law Centre Annual General Meeting, 28 November 2016- ‘Challenges world-wide for Access to Justice for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in times of austerity’

“Realizing the Right to Health for the Most Disadvantaged– Health Justice Partnerships ", Seminar/workshop for the Oxford Human Rights Hub, Law Faculty, Oxford University, 1 November 2016.

‘Realizing the right to health and access to justice for the most disadvantaged – Health Justice Partnerships,’ A seminar for Copenhagen University (Law Faculty and WELMA (Centre for Legal Studies in Welfare and Market) 14 October, 2016, Copenhagen

‘Access to Justice, Effective and Impact Lawyering and Health Justice Partnerships,’ Presentation organised by the Legal Action Group Policy Advisory Group. Monday 19th September 2016 at 5.30 in the National Pro Bono Centre, Chancery Lane, London, UK

International Lessons on Health Justice Partnerships: their applicability for pro bono partners and managers,’ Panel Presentation, ‘Ukademy’ (‘UKademy’ is the UK Collaborative Plan for Pro Bono, with planning support from the Association of Pro Bono Counsel. Includes lawyers and managers employed by law firms who coordinate law firm pro bono programmes across the UK) Wednesday 14 September 2016 at Shearman and Sterling, Spitalfields, London UK.

‘Health Justice Partnerships (HJP): Working ethically to reach those in most need of legal and medical support & to improve outcomes – research evidence,’ Seminar for City, University of London (Law School) 13 September, 2016, London, UK (event streamed: https://www.city.ac.uk/law/research/centre-for-the-study-of-legal-professional-practice/events/_recache)

‘Health Justice Partnerships (HJP) Research, Evaluations and Findings, and ‘how to,’ Presentation for the Legal Education Foundation UK & Allen & Overy, 12 September 2016, London, UK.

‘Health Justice Partnerships Research & Start-up Suggestions,’ Presentation to the China EU High Level Legal Aid Policy Dialogue Meeting, Beijing, 1-2 September, 2016, In absencia, kindly delivered by Simon Rice, ANU.

‘Health Justice Partnership - Multi-Disciplinary Practices Research Evidencing Working Ethically to Ensure Reach to Those in Most Need & Improve Outcomes,’ Conference Paper, 14 July 2016, International Legal Ethics Conference (ILEC) VII, Stein Centre, Fordham University, NYC, USA.

‘Increasing access to justice – exploring a new lawyering paradigm through clinical education and reflective practice,’ Symposia International Journal of Clinical Legal Education & Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education Conference, University of Toronto (with Michele Leering, Queen’s University, Canada; Chris Casey and Professor Mary Anne Noone; La Trobe University, Australia).

‘Health Justice Partnership Research, Start-Up Support and Evaluation Workshop’ Community, Advocacy and Legal Centre, Belleville, Ontario, Canada, 7 July 2016

Justice and Health and Systemic Reforms for Better Health, Outcomes, Workshop for Justice Health Networks, 80 Bond Street, Toronto, Canada, 5 July 2016 

'Law Reform: Practical effective, inclusive processes and approaches that lead to responsive, connected policy by enabling voices to be heard.' National Law Reform Conference April 2016, Australian National University and University of Canberra, ANU, Canberra, April 2016.


The Under-rated Value of Secondary Consultations in reaching clients with vulnerability or experiencing Disadvantage, National Conference of Community Legal Centres Conference, Melbourne 28 August 2015

'Holistic approaches to reaching and assisting clients experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage - Health Justice Partnerships in Australia and beyond – with a focus on the emerging value of secondary consultations’ International Legal Aid Group Conference in Edinburgh June 2015

'Access to Justice – Making it come alive and a reality for students and practitioner/teachers' Centre for Legal Education Trent University Nottingham UK, June 2015


 Evaluating Advocacy Health Alliances- the Challenges’, Growing Health Justice Partnerships Forum in the NSW, Department of Premier and Cabinet, 30 September 2014

 ‘CLCs Having an Impact on Lives -Strategic Approaches to Problem Solving’,National Conference of Community Legal Centres Alice Springs, Friday 15 August 2014 

With Vivienne Holmes, ‘Developing Students’ Capacity to Cope with Ethical Dilemmas in Legal Practice Through Teaching ‘Giving Voice to Values’ Techniques’, International Legal Ethics Conference, London, 10-12 July 2014

 Building capacity to cope with ethical dilemmas in legal practice through teaching ‘giving voice to values’ , Panel , International Legal Ethics Conference, London, 10-12 July 2014


With A Crockett, 'A Practical model for Demonstrating and ensuring quality legal aid service: A Case study in Applied Research', International Legal Aid Group, The Hague, June 2013 http://www.ilagnet.org/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/filemanager/files/The_Hague_2013/Session_Papers/Session_3_-_Liz_Curran_and_Andrew_Crockett.pdf

With T Foley, 'Ensuring and Assessing Quality in Clinic- An exploration of two quality measures- a good client interview and quality community legal education, International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference and the 12th Australian Clinical Legal Education Conference, Brisbane, July, 2013.


Policy Submissions:

With Professor Julian Webb (University of Melbourne) & Professor Adrian Evans (Monash University) submission to the Department of Justice on the Consultation on Mandatory Reporting of Lawyers for Unethical Conduct (10 September 2021)

Submission to the Review of Continuing Professional Development to the Victorian Legal Services Board and Commission, 30 June 2020. https://lsbc.vic.gov.au/resources/cpd-review-curran-dr-liz

Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission, 'Improved Human Rights Protection for Australia' 3 November, 2019.

Submission to the Productivity Comimission on Indigenous Evaluation Framework, July 2019

Joint Submission with Legal Ethics Teachers to the Victorian Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants, March 2019.

Submission to Urbis on the Attorney General Deaprtment's Review of the National Partnership Agreement, 2018.

Submission to the ‘Inquiry into the Commonwealth Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Bill 2017 and Related Bill’, Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs, Legislative Committee, 14 March 2018 (confidential)

Submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission Review of the Family Law Act, 19 January 2018

Submission Oral and Written to the Department of Justice ‘Access to Justice Review, 29 January 2016

Submission to the Government Review of the Charter of Rights and Responsibilities, May 2015

Submission to the Royal Commission into Family Violence, May 2015

Oral submission Submission April 2014 to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Access to Justice Frameworks in Australia. Recorded in Hansard.

Submissions Response to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Access to Justice Frameworks in Australia Draft t Report, February 2014.

Submissions Part B, November, 2013 and Part B, November 2013 to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Access to Justice Frameworks in Australia.

Submissions Part A, October 2013 and Part B, November 2013 to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Access to Justice Frameworks in Australia.

Submission, Senate Committe Inquiry Into Justice Reinvestment, 2013.

 'Submission on Youth Justice System, Department of Justice Legal Workshop, ANU College of Law to the Victorian Government', 2012.

Other Consultancies


Law Council of Australia, Justice Project 'Expert Adviser' 


Redfern Legal Service & Prince Alfred Hospital, Health Justice Partnership Evaluation (pro bono)


 Family Violence and Prevention Programs, 2012-2013, Effective Change

2011 and 2012

 Advising the Commonwealth Government Attorney General’s Department on Legal Assistance Service Quality and Outcomes

 Demonstrating and Ensuring Quality Service to Clients Evaluation, Legal Aid ACT



Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  05 July 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers