Professor Stephen Cox

BSc(Hons) Tasmania, PhD (Monash)
Professor, Research School of Earth Sciences
ANU College of Science

Areas of expertise

  • Structural Geology 040312
  • Isotope Geochemistry 040203
  • Inorganic Geochemistry 040202

Research interests

Stephen Cox conducts research in areas of structural geology and rock deformation, with particular interest in the coupling between deformation, fluid flow and fluid pressure regimes at depth in the Earth's crust.  His research involves field-based studies, microstructural work, high pressure-temperature rock deformation experiments, microchemical studies, and some numerical modelling.

Major current interests include (1) the role of fluids in influencing the strength and mechanical behaviour of faults and shear zones, with applications for understanding earthquake nucleation, (2) how deformation processes in the Earth's crust influence fluid pathways and fluid redistribution between fluid reservoirs in the crust, and (3) applications of this research to understanding the formation and distribution of hydrothermal ore deposits, especially those formed in fracture-controlled flow regimes.

Current field activities are focussed on using stable isotopes to map the distribution and intensity of fluid flow in exhumed fault networks in Oman and the Swiss Alps, and studies of fluid-rock interaction, rock deformation processes and localisation of fluid flow in ancient gold-hosting networks of faults and shear zones in Western Australia. Another project is exploring growth of fracture-controlled fluid pathways and impacts on ore grades and distribution in intrusion-related hydrothermal systems.


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Updated:  20 September 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers