Dr Deborah Cleland
BA/BSc (Hons), PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Areas of expertise
- Simulation And Modelling 080110
- Environmental Science And Management 0502
- Performing Arts And Creative Writing 1904
- Human Geography 1604
- Natural Resource Management 050209
- Social Policy 160512
Deb Cleland is currently working on how individuals and institutions can build social capital to improve regulation, quality of life and citizen engagement. Combining her background in human ecology and interest in creative research approaches, Deb is working out how to create playful pathways to participation as well as how to best incorporate dreadful alliteration into website biographies. She blogs on occasion at www.onefishtofish.com and tweets from @debisda. When not making ends meet through short-term research contracts, you can watch her perform (usually for free) as an acrobat with the aerial dance troupe SolcoAcro or the arts group Distaffik Collective.
- Hamilton, S, Cleland, D & Braithwaite, V 2020, ''Why can't we help protect children too?' Stigma by association among community workers in child protection and its consequences', Community Development Journal, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 452-472.
- Braithwaite, V, Ahmed, E & Cleland, D 2020, '"Fair to me, fair to us, or fair to you?" Unresolved conflict between government and graduates over Australia's tertiary education loans', Journal of Economic Policy Reform.
- Cleland, D & Ocaya San Jose, R 2018, 'Rehearsing Inclusive Participation Through Fishery Stakeholder Workshops in the Philippines', Conservation and Society, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 351-362pp.
- Cleland, D 2017, 'Viable metaphors: the art of participatory modelling for communicating sustainability science', Knowledge Management for Development Journal, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 39-55pp.
- Cleland, D 2017, 'A playful shift: Field-based experimental games offer insight into capacity reduction in small-scale fisheries', Ocean and Coastal Management, vol. 144, pp. 129-137.
- Cleland, D 2017, 'Fishing for a Career: Alternative Livelihoods and the Hardheaded Art of Academic Failure', International Labor and Working-Class History, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 155-167.
- Muallil, R, Cleland, D & Alino, P 2013, 'Socioeconomic factors associated with fishing pressure in small-scale fisheries along the West Philippine Sea biogeographic region', Ocean and Coastal Management, vol. 82, pp. 27-33.
- Cleland, D, Dray, A, Perez, P et al 2012, 'Simulating the Dynamics of Subsistence Fishing Communities: REEFGAME as a Learning and Data-Gathering Computer-Assisted Role-Play Game', Simulation and Gaming, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 102-117.
- Muallil, R, Geronimo, R, Cleland, D et al. 2011, 'Willingness to exit the artisanal fishery as a response to scenarios of declining catch or increasing monetary incentives', Fisheries Research, vol. 111, no. 1-2, pp. 74-81.
- Cleland, D 2011, 'If wishes were fishes: Hope sustaining action in sustainable marine management', Griffith Review, vol. 32, pp. 233-240.
- Melbourne-Thomas, J, Johnson, C, Perez, P et al 2011, 'Coupling Biophysical and Socioeconomic Models for Coral Reef Systems in Quintana Roo, Mexican Caribbean', Ecology and Society, vol. 16, no. 3, p. 23.
- Wyborn, C & Cleland, D 2010, 'Fences and Windows: Using Visual Methods to Explore Conflicts in Land and Seascape Management', in Valerie Brown, John Harris, Jacqueline Russell (ed.), Tackling Wicked Problems: Through the Transdisciplinary Imagination, Earthscan Publications Ltd, London, UK and Washington DC, USA, pp. 161-170.
- Cleland, D & Wyborn, C 2010, 'A Reflective Lens: Applying Critical Systems Thinking and Visual Methods to Ecohealth Research', EcoHealth, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 414-424.
- Cleland, D, Muallil, R, Doctor, M et al. 2010, 'El Nido, Palawan', in Rhia O M Gonzales, Vera C F Horigue, Ma Gregoria J P Tiquio (ed.), State of the Coasts 2010: Promoting the State of the Coast Reporting, University of the Philippines, Philippines, pp. 65-68.
- Cleland, D, Dray, A, Perez, P et al. 2010, SimReef and ReefGame: gaming for integrated reef research and management.
- Perez, P, Dray, A, Cleland, D et al. 2009, 'An Agent-Based Model to Address Coastal Management Issues in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico', 18th World IMACS Congress and International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Interfacing Modelling and Simulation with Mathematical and Computational Sciences, MODSIM 2009, ed. R S Anderssen, R D Braddock & L T H Newham , Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc., Australia, pp. 72-79.
Projects and Grants
Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.
- Queensland WHS Survey (Secondary Investigator)