Dr Melinda Choy

Academic Lecturer, Academic Unit of General Practice
ANU College of Health and Medicine
T: 61745592

Areas of expertise

  • Primary Health Care 111717

Research interests

  • General Practice and Primary Care
  • Health of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Populations
  • The Digital Health Divide and Digital Health Inclusion
  • Improvement of Healthcare Access via Patient-Centred Research
  • Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching


Melinda's research addresses the digital health divide; the pressing issue that patients who already have reduced access to traditional healthcare services are further disadvantaged by poor access to digital health services. She is especially interested in exploring the patient experience of digital health within socioeconomically disadvantaged and rural populations.

Her aim is to find and disseminate the nature of the digital divide, in order that patients, practitioners, policymakers and innovators are able to improve digital health access and equity in reaching, recommending and designing digital health tools and policy.

Melinda completed her undergraduate medical degree at the University of New South Wales. She completed her junior medical officer training at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney and her Master of Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology) through the University of Sydney. Melinda also works part-time clinically at Gordon Family Practice. She teaches within the Academic Unit of General Practice and Clinical Skills Unit and is engaged in Technology-Assisted Learning initiatives within these Units.

Researcher's projects

Choy M.A., Sturgiss E., Goodyear-Smith F., Smith G.J. (2020) Digital Health Tools and Patients With Drug Use Disorders: Qualitative Patient Experience Study of the Electronic Case-Finding and Help Assessment Tool (eCHAT) J Med Internet Res 22(9):e19256 DOI: 10.2196/19256

Sutarsa, N., Astuti, P., Choy, M., Moore, M. 2020. COVID-19 Pandemic: Opportunity to Accelerate e-Health in Indonesia. Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive 8(1): 1-3.

Choy, MA, Sturgiss, EA, Goodyear-Smith, F, Smith, G. Digital health tools and the therapeutic relationship. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada: November 2019.

Choy, MA, Sturgiss, EA. Digital health tools in populations with socioeconomic disadvantage: A narrative review of the patient experience. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canada: November 2019.

Choy, MA, Barnes, K, Sturgiss, EA, Rieger, E, Douglas, K. Digital health and disadvantage: a qualitative study exploring how patients with chronic disease experience ehealth. International Conference on Quality in Primary Care, Toronto, Canada: November 2019.

Choy, M., Sturgiss, E.,Goodyear-Smith, F., Clark, A., Smith, G. (2018). Digital Health Tools and the Therapeutic Relationship:  Can eCHAT help a Vulnerable Popultion in General Practice? Poster section. U. o. A. 2018 Qual-World Interactive Virtual Conference. December 4 2018.

Choy, M. B., P. (2018). Cystic fibrosis in the adult patient: diagnosis and a review of new treatments for CF lung disease. GP 18 - RACGP. Gold Coast 11-13 October 2018.    

Choy, M. S., E; Goodyear-Smith, F; Clark, A; Smith, G. (2018). Digital health tools and the therapeutic relationship: can eCHAT help a vulnerable population? GP 18 - RACGP. Gold Coast, Queensland.


Available student projects

  • Digital Health Literacy Training in the General Practice waiting room
  • How patients searching for health information and seeing their GP interact

Current student projects

  • Digital health use in urban and regional centres

Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  03 July 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers