Dr Peter Brown
Reader (French Studies)
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
61 2 61252768
Areas of expertise
- Pacific Literature 200507
- French Language 200306
- Postcolonial Studies 200211
- Literature In French 200511
B.A (Hons), University of Sydney;
Maitrise-es-Lettres, University of Paris VIII
Maitrise Sciences du Langage, University of Nice;
D.Phil, University of Oxford.
Researcher's projects
French literature of the Pacific; New Caledonia: literature and culture; Postcolonialism; La Francophonie; 19th century French literature;
- Brown, P 2015, 'Augustine Soubeiran (1858-1933). Innovative Educator and Dynamic Secretary of the French-Australian League of Help', in Eric Berti and Ivan Barko (ed.), French lives in Australia: a collection of biographical essays, Australian Scholarly Publishing Pty Ltd, North Melbourne, pp. 319-337.
- Brown, P 2015, 'Australie-France: année de grandes rencontres (Australia-France: Year of major meetings)', L' Année Francophone Internationale, 2015-2016.
- Brown, P 2015, 'L'Australie et la mort : commémoration, oubli, scandale (Australia and death: commemoration oblivion, scandal)', Hermes, vol. 72, pp. 266-266.
- Brown, P 2015, 'Le théâtre en Nouvelle-Calédonie: genre exogène intégré (Theatre in New Caledonia: exogenous genre integrated), in Francoise Quillet (ed.), La scène mondiale aujourd'hui: Des formes en mouvement, l'Harmattan, France, pp. 265-279.
- Brown, P 2014, 'Australie', L' Annee Francophone Internationale, vol. 2014/2015, pp. 307-309.
- Brown, P & Dwyer, J 2014, 'The French-Australian League of Help: Restoring the Record', The French Australian Review, no. 56, pp. 26-50.
- Brown, P 2013, 'Le Festival des Arts du Pacifique (the Pacific Art Festival)', Hermes, vol. 65, pp. 162-164.
- Brown, P 2013, 'Australie: Politique', L' Année Francophone Internationale, vol. 2013-2104, CIDEF-AFI, Quebec City, pp. 334-335.
- Brown, P 2013, 'La France et les puissances ascendantes: Australie', in Michel Foucher (ed.), Atlas de l'influence française au XXI siècle, Institut Français, Paris, pp. 89-89.
- Brown, P 2013, 'La société mise en scène: Quelques accords et désaccords dans le théâtre de la Nouvelle-Calédonie (Society on the stage: Some accords and disagreements in New Caledonian theatre)', in Jean Bessière & Sylvie André (ed.), Literatures of the Pacific Islands, Honoré Champion Editeur, Paris, pp. 331-346.
- Brown, P 2013, 'Negotiating postcolonial identities in the shadow of the EU: New Caledonia', in Rebecca Adler-Nissen and Ulrik Pram Gad (ed.), European Integration and Postcolonial Sovereignty Games: The EU Overseas Countries and Territories, The New International Relations Series, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 169-186.
- Brown, P 2013, 'Religion et société dans l'oeuvre de Claudine Jacques : la parabole païenne de L'Âge du perroquet-banane (Religion and Society in the Work of Claudine Jacques: the pagan parable of L'Âge du perroquet-banane)', in Florence Faberon and Jean-Yves Faberon (ed.), Religion et Société en Nouvelle-Calédonie et en Océanie, Clermont-Ferrand - Université d'Auvergne, France, pp. 235-248.
- Brown, P 2013, 'Translation of Mallarmé's seminal poem: "Throw of the Dice"' in Christopher Brennan/Stéphane Mallarmé, Uncollected Works Press, Melbourne, pp. 46-70.
- Brown, P 2012, 'Australie', in Loïc Hervouet (ed.), L'Année Francophone Internationale 2012/2013, CIDEF-AFI, Quebec, Canada, pp. 313-315.
- Brown, P 2012, 'La France vue d'Australie, une vieille histoire en mutation (France through Australian eyes: an old history undergoing change)', in Michel Korinman (ed.), Outre-Terre: Revue européenne de géopolitique 33/34, Editions Glyphe, Paris, France, pp. 391-397.
- Brown, P 2011, 'La Francophonie: From the Postcolonial to the Post-Cold War Eras', Australian Journal of French Studies, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 19-33.
- Brown, P 2011, 'Australie. Du Tour de France à la marche vers l'ONU' (Australia. From the Tour de France to the United Nations)', L'Année Francophone Internationale, CIDEF-AFI, Quebec City, pp. 327-329.
- Brown, P 2011, 'Les musées du Pacifique: un autre regard sur le monde (Museums of the Pacific: another look at the world)', Hermes, vol. 61, pp. 144-146.
- Brown, P 2011, 'Mémoire de passés, mémoire d'avenirs: Que se cache-t-il derrière le mot "pardon"? (Memories of pasts, memories of futures: What is hidden behind the word "pardon"?)', in Jacques Beauchemin (ed.), Mémoire et démocratie en Occident: Concurrence des mémoires ou concurrence victimaire, Peter Lang Publishing Group, Belgium, pp. 105-120.
- Brown, P 2010, 'Australie-France: mémoire, océan et culture partagés', in Loïc Hervouet (ed.), L'Année Francophone Internationale 2010, CIDEF-AFI, Quebec, Canada, pp. 315-316.
- Brown, P 2010, 'Book Review: Poinciana', Explorations: ISFAR (Institute for the Study of French-Australian Relations), vol. 48, pp. 55-59.
- Brown, P 2010, 'De la rhétorique au 'rhetoric': petite histoire d'une grande ambivalence', Hermes, vol. 58, pp. 29-32.
- Brown, P 2009, 'Vive le Canada libre! The 12th Sommet de la Francophonie, Quebec City, October (17-19 October 2008)', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 127-136.
- Brown, P 2009, 'Australie-France: vision commune', in Loïc Hervouet (ed.), L'Année Francophone Internationale 2009, CIDEF-AFI, Quebec, Canada, pp. 295-296.
- Brown, P 2009, 'La Nouvelle-Calédonie : trouble-fête du Pacifique ou site de l'entendement interculturel franco-australien ? Le cas de 'Noumea' (New Caledonia: Pacific 'troublemaker' or site of French-Australian intercultural understanding? The case of 'Noumea'), in Salhia Ben-Messahel (ed.), Des frontières de l'interculturalité: Etude pluridisciplinaire de la représentation culturelle : Identité et Altérité, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, France, pp. 55-68.
- Brown, P 2008, 'Book Review: Littératures d'émergence et mondialisation, by Sonia Faessel and Michel Perez', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 11, pp. 243-246.
- Brown, P 2008, 'Colonisation française et littérature du Pacifique: le cas de la Nouvelle-Zélande', in Frederic Angleviel and Stephen Levine (ed.), New Zealand - New Caledonia: Neighbours, Friends, Partners, Victoria University Press, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 317-336.
- Brown, P 2008, 'Les Dieux sont borgnes et la question de l'histoire (The Gods are one-eyed and the question of history)', in Eddy Wadrawane and Frédéric Angleviel (ed.), La Nouvelle-Calédonie: Les Kanaks et l'histoire, Les Indes Savantes, Paris, France, pp. 87-103.
- Brown, P 2008, 'Les événements de Nouvelle-Calédonie et les relations franco-australiennes: représentations littéraires et discours de légitimation (The New Caledonian events and French-Australian relations: Literary representations and discourse of legitimation)', in Sylvette Boubin-Boyer (ed.), Révoltes, conflits et Guerres mondiales en Nouvelle-Calédonie et dans sa région, L'Harmattan, Paris, France, pp. 173-190.
- Brown, P 2008, 'Mémoire et identité nationale: la guerre des histoires en Australie (Memoirs and national identity: the historical wars in Australia)', in P. Blanchard, M. Ferro and I.Veyrat-Masson (ed.), Hermes: Les Guerres de Mémoires dans le Monde, CNRS Editions, Paris, France, pp. 133-138.
- Brown, P 2008, 'Récit fondateur et culture politique en Nouvelle-Calédonie. 'Tea Kanake', de Mélanésia 2000 au Festival des Arts du Pacifique (1975-2000)', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 539-557.
- Brown, P 2007, 'Art History. Art as History New Caledonian Women Artists in Dialogue on the Eve of the Noumea Accord', in Frédéric Angleviel (ed.), Histoire de la Nouvelle-Calédonie: Approches croisées, Les Indes Savantes, Paris, pp. 105-113.
- Brown, P 2007, 'La mémoire comme connaissance et la connaissance comme mémoire Complémentarité de l'oralité et de l'écriture chez Déwé Gorodé (Nouvelle-Calédonie) (Memory as knowledge and knowledge as memory: the complimentarity of oral and written traditions in the work', in Jean-François de Raymond, Isabelle Collombat et Loïc Hervouet (ed.), Alexandrie, métaphore de la francophonie: La transmission des connaissances, des savoirs et des cultures, l'Université Catholique de l'Ouest, Paris, pp. 211-216.
- Brown, P 2007, 'L'Australie: politique et économie, histoire et culture', in Loïc Hervouet (ed.), L'Année Francophone Internationale 2007, CIDEF-AFI, Quebec, Canada, pp. 324-325.
- Brown, P 2006, 'Book Review: Violences Oceaniennes', Journal of Pacific History, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 118-119.
- Brown, P 2006, 'Australia as an "Island Home" on Stage and Screen. Radiance (Louis Nowra, Rachel Perkins) as Intertextual Metaphor', in Louise Maurer and Roger Hillman (ed.), Reading Images, Viewing Texts: Lire les images, voir les textes. Crossdisciplinary Perspectives, Perspectives pluridisciplinaires, Peter Lang Publishing Group, Bern, pp. 183-202.
- Brown, P 2006, 'Books, writing and cultural politics in the Pacific: the New Caledonian Salon du livre, October 2003-October 2005', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 239-256.
- Brown, P 2006, 'Conference Report: The 11th Sommet de la Francophonie, Bucharest, Romania, 27-29 September 2006: The Senghor Centenary and the rise of...Europe', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 415-421.
- Brown, P 2006, 'Désir indésirable au Paradis: Représentations littéraires de l'autre en Nouvelle-Calédonie (Undesirable desire in Paradise: Literary representations of the Other in New Caledonia)', Dialogos: problemi dell'istruzione e della ricerca scientifica, vol. 13, pp. 65-74.
- Brown, P 2006, Rokonok/Relations, Film International, Issue 21, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 85-87.
- Brown, P 2005, 'The Geopolitics of French Language and Culture and "La Francophonie"', CESAA Review-Contemporary European Studies Association of Australia, vol. 33, pp. 42-57.
- Brown, P 2005, 'From place to space: Australian culture from My place to the Plains of promise and the Sydney Olympics', in Hamid Mokaddem (ed.), Eleven approaches to Culture and Nature in the South Pacific, Cultural Affairs Programme, Noumea, Noumea, pp. 147-161.
- Brown, P 2005, 'Australie', in Michel Tétu (ed.), L'Année Francophone Internationale: Le point sur l'espace francophone, l'Université Catholique de l'Ouest, Canada, pp. 293-295.
- Brown, P 2005, 'From 'Beyrouth' to 'Déroute'? Some reflections on the 10th Sommet de la Francophonie, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 25-26 November 2004', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 93-103.
- Brown, P 2005, 'From exclusion and alienation to a 'multi-racial community': The image of the métis in New Caledonian literature', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 305-320.
- Brown, P 2005, 'Jouer et déjouer les stéréotypes dans le théâtre calédonien: l'exemple de "V" d'Anne Bihan (Performing and deconstructing sterotypes in New Caledonian theatre: the example of "V" by Anne Bihan)', in Véronique Fillol et Jacques Vernaudon (ed.), Stéréotypes et représentations en Océanie, Corail, Noumea, pp. 271-287.
- Brown, P 2004, 'LAustralie: LAmitie contre la discorde', in Michel Tetu (ed.), L'Annee Francophone Internationale 2004, Agence de la Francophonie, Quebec City, pp. 294-296.
- Brown, P 2004, 'Australie', in Michel Tetu (ed.), L'Année Francophone Internationale 2004, Agence de la Francophonie, Quebec City, pp. 294-296.
- Brown, P 2004, 'Endnotes', in Peter Brown (ed.), Selected Short Fiction of Dewe Gorodé: The Kanak Apple Season, Pandanus Books, Canberra, pp. 195-226.
- Brown, P 2004, 'Introduction', in Peter Brown (ed.), Selected Short Fiction of Déwé Gorodé: The Kanak Apple Season, Pandanus Books, Canberra, pp. ix-xxxix.
- Brown, P 2004, 'Introduction', in Raylene Ramsay and Deborah Walker (ed.), Selected Poems of Déwé Gorodé: Sharing as Custom Provides, Pandanus Books, Canberra, pp. ix-xliv.
- Brown, P 2004, 'La place des enfants dans la littérature d'Australie et de Nouvelle-Calédonie: quelques réflexions sur un thème préoccupant (The place of children in the literature of Australia and New Caledonia: some reflections on a disturbing subject)', in Sonia Faessel and Michel Pérez (ed.), Littératures d'émergence et mondialisation, In Press Editions, Paris, pp. 213-234.
- Brown, P, ed., 2004, Selected Short Fiction of Déwé Gorodé: The Kanak Apple Season, Pandanus Books, Canberra.
- Brown, P 2003, 'New Caledonia: An Emerging Literature as Social Project', in Salhi, K. (ed.), Francophone Post Colonial Cultures, Lexington Books, USA, pp. 345-355.
- Brown, P 2003, 'Le Dialogue des cultures and the Ninth Sommet de la Francophonie (Beirut, 18-20 October 2002)', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 53-58.
- Brown, P 2003, 'Australie', in Michel Tetu (ed.), L'Année Francophone Internationale 2003, Agence de la Francophonie, Quebec City, pp. 314-315.
- Brown, P 2003, 'De My Place (Talahue) aux Plains of Promise (Plaines de l'espoir) et aux Jeux Olympiques: cultures de la nature dénaturée en Australie', in Mokaddem, H. (ed.), Approches autour de culture et nature dans le Pacifique Sud, Expressions, Noumea, pp. 319-337.
- Brown, P, Crozet, C, Maurer, L et al 2002, 'French in Australia: Policies and Practices', in Kamal Salhi (ed.), French in and out of Australia: Language Policies, Intercultural Antagonisms and Dialogue, Peter Lang Publishing Group, Bern, pp. 266-290.
- Brown, P 2002, 'Nature, Culture and the Noumea Accord. The CORAIL Conference on Culture et Nature dans la Pacifique, New Caledonia, 3-6 December 2001', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 183-189.
- Brown, P 2002, 'La Dernière Mode ou le premier mode de Mallarmé', in Jill Anderson (ed.), Australian Divagations: Mallarmé and the 20th Century, Peter Lang Publishing Group, New York, pp. 182-205.
- Brown, P 2002, 'L'Enfant chez Henri Lopes (Congo): Il n'y a pas d'orphelin en Afrique', Mots Pluriels, vol. 22, no. September 2002, pp. 1-9.
- Brown, P 2002, 'Report of the Tenth Anniversary Conference, L'Année Francophone Internationale, Paris, 17-20 May 2001', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 178-182.
- Brown, P 2001, 'The Political Economy of the Asia-Pacific Region-States, Markets and Civil Society in Asia Pacific', China Perspectives, pp. 76-77.
- Brown, P 2001, 'Law Making in the Peoples Republic of China', China Perspectives, vol. tba, pp. 80-82.
- Brown, P 2001, The Rain Blows Up a Storm in Paris, p. 12.
- Brown, P 2001, 'Encountering Chinese Networks-Western, Japanese and Chinese Corporations in China, 1880-1937', China Perspectives, vol. tba, pp. 74-75.
- Brown, P 2001, 'The Privatisation of Education in China', China Perspectives, vol. tba, pp. 27-34.
- Brown, P 2001, Rodin: Sculpture and Drawings, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, Australia.
- Brown, P 2001, 'New Caledonia: A Pacific Island or an Island in the Pacific? The Eighth Pacific Arts Festival', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 33-41.
- Brown, P 2001, 'L'Australie', in Tetu, Michel (ed.), L'Annee Francophone Internationale 2002, Bibliotheque nationale du Quebec, Bibliotheque nationale du Canada, Quebec, pp. tba.
- Brown, P 2000, 'A caccia dell'immigrato perfetto', in Mauro De Bonis (ed.), Australia L'occidente agli antipodi, Gruppo editoriale l'espresso, Rome, Italy, pp. 94-95.
- Brown, P 2000, 'Nel paese dei paradossi (In the country of the paradox)', in Mauro De Bonis (ed.), Australia L'occidente agli antipodi, Gruppo editoriale l'espresso, Rome, Italy, pp. 121-127.
- Brown, P, ed., 2000, Mwa Vee: Kanak cultural review - Living Heritage Kanak Culture Today, Special Issue.
- Brown, P 1999, 'Parlez-vous francais? VIIIth Sommet de la Francophonie (Moncton, Canada, 3-5 September 1999)', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 2, no. 2/10/99, pp. 188-191.
- Brown, P 1999, 'Parlez-vous francais? VIIIth Sommet de la Francophonie (Moncton, Canada, 3-5 September 1999)', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 2, no. 2/10/99, pp. 188-191.
- Brown, P 1999, Kakadu en Australie - Reponse du Gouvernement Australien au Comit du Patrimoine Mondial de LUnesco concernant le Parc National de Kakadu, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
- Brown, P 1999, 'A l'écoute de Nicolas Kurtovitch', Mots Pluriels, vol. 10, no. May, pp. n/a.
- Brown, P 1999, 'Stéphane Mallarmé and the Artist as Celebrant of Cultural Transformation', in T O'Neill (ed.), From Baudelaire to Bonnefoy and Beyond: Australian Essays on Modern and Contemporary French Poetry, Monash University Publishing, Melbourne, pp. 14-26.
- Brown, P, Crozet, C & Trevitt, A 1999, 'L'enseignement a distance en Australie: Au-dela de le'enjeu geographique', Revue internationale d'education, vol. 23, pp. 141-147.
- Brown, P 1998, 'New Caledonia: Strangers in Paradise, Stranger than Paradise', International Journal of Francophone Studies, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 125-139.
- Brown, P 1998, Mallarmé et l'écriture en mode mineur, Lettres modernes Minard, Paris.
- Brown, P 1998, 'Australie', in Michel Tétu (ed.), L'Année Francophone Internationale 1998, AFI, Quebec Canada, pp. 282-285.
- Brown, P, ed., 1998, 'Déwé Gorodé Utê Mûrûnû, petite fleur de cocotier', in Notre Librairie, Vol. 134, CLEF, Paris, pp. 103-104.