Dr Kathleen Broderick

PhD Geography
ANU College of Science

Research interests

Water Governance 

Governance and management of natural resources

Integrated River Basin Management

Climate change adpatation





Kathleen Broderick has over 30 years’ professional experience in social aspects of water and river management. Kath’s experience combines research and practical contributions to management of Water Quality Improvement in the Great Barrier Reef Catchments, irrigation development and water quality management in the Tasmanian Midlands, and salinity management in the Collie Catchment.

Kathleen has written several key papers examining governance of natural resources and community participation in resource management. She contributed as a member of the expert reference panel for the National Rural Industries RDC project ‘Consolidating targeted and practical extension services for Australian Farmers and Fishers’. As executive of the seven NRM Regions in Western Australia she coordinated cross regional policy and project development (2014-2018).

Kathleen continues to be fascinated by governance of water, rivers, coasts and tracks and trails.


Member, Alliance for Water Stewardship

Member, International Association for Public Participation

Fellow, Peter Cullen Trust.


Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD)

Board Member, South West Catchments Council

Chair, Bibbulmun Track Foundation.

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Updated:  10 October 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers