Themis is a member of a new metazoan gene family and is required for the completion of thymocyte positive selection


Johnson, A, Aravind, L, Schulzhenko, N, Morgun, A, Choi, SY, Crockford, YL, Lambe, T, Domaschenz, H, Kucharska, EM, Zheng, LX, Vinuesa, CG, Lenardo, MJ, Goodnow, CC, Cornall, RJ, Schwartz, RH, 2009, 'Themis is a member of a new metazoan gene family and is required for the completion of thymocyte positive selection', Nature Immunology, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 831-839.



Field of Research

  • Cellular Immunology

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