Redesigning photosynthesis to sustainably meet global food and bioenergy demand
Ort, DR, Merchant, SS, Alric, J, Barkan, A, Blankenship, RE, Bock, R, Croce, R, Hanson, MR, Hibberd, JM, Long, SP, Moore, TA, James V. Moroney, JV, Niyogi, KK, Parry, MAJ, Peralta-Yahya, PPP, Prince, RC, Redding, KE, Spalding, MH, Klaas J. van Wijk, KJ, Wim F.J. Vermaas, WFJ, von Caemmerer, S, Weber, APM, Yeates, TO, Yuan, JS, Zhu, X (2015) Redesigning photosynthesis to sustainably meet global food and bioenergy demand,, PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 112, no. 28, pp. 8529-8536.