E. coli as an indicator of faecal contamination in the Australian context
- Emeritus Professor David M Gordon (Primary Investigator)
Grant status
CompletedGrant start date
01/12/2012Grant funding
- 2012: $10,000 from Sydney Water Corporation
- 2012: $5,000 from Water Corporation
- 2012: $10,000 from South Australian Water Coporation (SA Water)
- 2012: $10,000 from Hunter Water Corporation
- 2012: $5,000 from South East Water
- 2012: $5,000 from Yarra Valley Water
- 2012: $10,000 from Sydney Catchment Authority
- 2012: $25,000 from Sydney Catchment Authority
- 2012: $10,000 from VIC Department of Health
- 2012: $10,000 from Melbourne Water
- 2012: $20,000 from Sydney Water Corporation
- 2012: $150,000 from Australian Research Council (ARC)
- 2012: $5,000 from City West Water
- 2012: $6,000 from South Australian Water Coporation (SA Water)
- 2012: $15,000 from Fitzroy River Water
- 2012: $10,000 from Seqwater
- 2013: $10,000 from VIC Department of Health
- 2013: $6,000 from South Australian Water Coporation (SA Water)
- 2013: $10,000 from Sydney Catchment Authority
- 2013: $20,000 from Sydney Water Corporation
- 2013: $10,000 from Melbourne Water
- 2013: $5,000 from Yarra Valley Water
- 2013: $170,000 from Australian Research Council (ARC)
- 2013: $10,000 from Hunter Water Corporation
- 2013: $41,000 from Sydney Catchment Authority
- 2013: $5,000 from South East Water
- 2013: $5,000 from Water Corporation
- 2013: $10,000 from Sydney Water Corporation
- 2013: $10,000 from South Australian Water Coporation (SA Water)
- 2013: $5,000 from City West Water
- 2013: $10,000 from Seqwater
- 2014: $5,000 from Yarra Valley Water
- 2014: $10,000 from South Australian Water Coporation (SA Water)
- 2014: $6,000 from South Australian Water Coporation (SA Water)
- 2014: $10,000 from Melbourne Water
- 2014: $5,000 from City West Water
- 2014: $10,000 from Seqwater
- 2014: $10,000 from Sydney Catchment Authority
- 2014: $5,000 from South East Water
- 2014: $20,000 from Sydney Water Corporation
- 2014: $10,000 from Sydney Water Corporation
- 2014: $25,000 from Sydney Catchment Authority
- 2014: $101,000 from Australian Research Council (ARC)
- 2014: $10,000 from Hunter Water Corporation
- 2014: $5,000 from Water Corporation
- 2014: $10,000 from VIC Department of Health